
Basic Information


Centauri are large, quadrupedal humanoids with the upper body resembling a human, and lower body resembling that of a horse. Most centauri are between 8 and 12 feet tall.   Centauri often have differences depending on the region they come from, and depending on crossbreeding. Some may have long manes up their backs, ears more similar to horses, extra long tails, and if having an angel or a harpy in their bloodline, may even possess wings and feathering and be called a Pegasi Centaur.

Biological Traits

Centauri are known for having incredible stamina, being able to travel vast distances and outpace bipedal humanoids in almost any race or marathon.

Genetics and Reproduction

Pregnancy in centaurs is long, usually between 14 and 15 months, and will almost always produce one offspring. Infants are able to stand and hold themselves upright directly after birth, however usually begin to run after a few weeks and will have limited mobility until then. Centauri infants are much more developed at birth than that of their human ancestors, more close in development to that of toddlers than human newborns. Twins are quite rare and a risky pregnancy, often putting one or even both babies at risk, although it is possible for them to be delivered healthy. Often in the case of twins, one infant will be much smaller and weaker than its sibling, and need medical assistance to remain healthy.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infant centaurs are weak and vulnerable for their first weeks of life, able to walk slowly, but not run. They are prone to falling down and injuring their face and upper body, as they often lack the motor control to protect their head when falling.   Centaur children are much more robust than infants, and as many parents have claimed, to be 'made of rubber'. They put on considerable weight and grow quickly through childhood, and are full of energy for playing and roughhousing.

Ecology and Habitats

Centaur are at home in almost any natural environment, particularly those that are open and have plentiful space. It is rather uncommon to see centaurs in urban environments such as cities, as most feel as though it is a claustrophobic environment. Due to their natural ability to traverse harsh terrain, centaurs are much more common in mountainous areas than other races may think, and their natural stamina allows them to travel further before becoming tired, so centauri dominated areas often have services and amenities further apart than most humanoids may be accustomed to.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Centaurs are herbivores, and have little tolerance to meat products, which can cause indigestion. Due to their large body size, they require a considerable amount of food, over double that of a human. Centaur prefer grains such as bread, barley, quinoa, and fruits low in sugar. Wheat pasta and oatmeals served with fruit and grain are a staple food item found in almost every household alongside salads, cheeses, and savory but meat free pastries. Nuts are also a common garnish and additive to Centauri meals and one of the primary sources of protein in their diets.

Biological Cycle

In the winter and colder environments, centaur commonly will have longer fur than in the summer months.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Centauri are highly social, but in smaller groups than other humanoids. Typically, they are most comfortable in groups of around 20-80 at maximum for their entire community, and can become stressed and feel overcrowded with any more than that at close range.   They value family groups and typically, Centauri society is made up of relatives called a clan. Clans are typically led by the oldest members and are a patriarchal society, led by a father or grandfather of the group, his eldest sons, and then the mothers and grandmothers. Usually, young men leave their clan to join others or form their own of other young members of their regional groups though there is some interchange between differing ones.   Most will typically stay within a range of 500 miles where they were born but move frequently around the region, especially during major life changes such as marriage, the birth of a child, or a death in the clan.

Facial characteristics

Although there is a high amount of variation within the race, typically centaurs have human or horse like ears, a hairline that extends into a mane down their necks and back, and are free of fur on their face but may have facial hair, although it is typically short or shaven completely. Most centaur keep their hair cropped short or if long it is rarely loose, often braided tight to the scalp or pinned into place.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Centauri can be found around the world and favor rural areas, finding most cities to be claustrophobic and too crowded. The highest population of centaurs are found in Laramidia, Canada, and Eastern Europe, although they also have substantial numbers in Rusha and northern East Asia.

Average Intelligence

Human or higher

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects


Common Etiquette Rules

It is considered rude to approach centaur from behind or with weapons drawn, as they are typically quite cautious and make perceive the notion as a threat and flee. Centauri are also known to kick and buck when startled, and although forgiving of those they injure by accident, blame is put on the one who startled them in the first place.   An incredibly common rule among Centauri households is to wash or rinse one's feet or hooves before entering a residence. Most Centauri dwellings often have a wash bin outside the door, or a stoop to bang one's shoes off on before entering.   It's considered extremely rude by Centaur to intrude on one of their kind before they have had a chance to do their hair and dress appropriately for the day. Most often, Centauri will refuse even close friends and housemates to make any kind of conversation with them before they are ready for the day and fully dressed. This rule does not apply to children and family, in most circumstances. A counter to this rule often happens among rebellious teenagers, where they may begin to treat their parents as ones who have to follow this social rule, but also will refuse to get ready for as long as possible.

Common Dress Code

Centauri fashion is often consisting of long tunics, shirts, and shawls over the whole body with separated leg coverings and sleeves. Ornamentation of the mane, tail, and hair is quite common in the form of wraps, braids, and twists, and jewelry is typically made of wood, shells, bone, or soft metals like copper and gold. Although not known for hunting and consuming animals for meat, they will utilize fur and hide in their clothing, and wool is a staple material for leg and back coverings.   Centaur do not often wear the clothing of other races, and view those who only cover their torso as exposed. Knee-length clothing, outside of the world's hottest regions, is generally considered most appropriate for most settings. Those who forgo long clothing, especially on their torsos or backs, are considered to be embarrassingly under dressed or even inappropriate by others.   Although not a hard rule, it is incredibly common for Centauri to have long hair across all genders. Most often, the hair is kept long in similar proportions to the length of their tails, and almost always kept up in braids, wraps, or twists. Short or loose hair is considered by most to be rather counter culture, and shunned by some. Centauri who are members of cults outside of Shia's, however, often get around this cultural norm by keeping their hair in ponytails, buns, or only partially up, especially in the Pack of Ferventi, Cult of Life, and the Crane God's Cult, who often have their own dress codes surrounding one's hair style.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Centauri are known for excellent traditionally made weaving and knitting. Much of the agriculture done by centauri is sheep herding for wool to make clothing from, and also the production of sheep's milk for cheese and dairy products.   Globally, Centauri make up the highest number of Shia's Cult members, with most of their race at least being partially associated with the Death God and celebrating the major holidays. Typically for the Festival of Death, centaur paint their bodies with skeletons in traditional colors like black, white, purple, or grey using natural pigments.   Avian, flying, or aquatic gods are almost unheard of in Centauri pantheons, and gods of large predators such as wolves, big cats, and bears also quite uncommon but still given large amounts of respect, though not commonly worshipped directly. Generally, centaurs view gods such as Appylon and Mora also as very similar to their patrons and are commonly worshipped.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Centauri Death Paint is a long held tradition among the Centauri.

Common Myths and Legends

A myth of their origins is often attributed to the first god of horses was in love with a human priest of theirs, and was unable to save them from the fate of extinction. In mourning, the god shaped their children from clay in the human's image, but could not understand how to make the figures not fall over, and gave them the lower body of themself to stand upon. The god brought life to the clay and the first centauri were born.   A differing origin myth from Europe says that the first centaur were born of the last Greeks, who prayed to the gods to let their children be born in the image of a mythological figure of theirs, Chiron. Shia, amused by the prayer, granted it, having once had the body of a horse shiself.   Both of these myths are hotly debated, and have no evidence to support them and their origins remain unknown, perhaps having multiple starts and later became the race known today.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Centauri are one of the few races that have a long, good history with Fairies, although this relationship typically trends to 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' mentality, due to a shared disdain to the dragons over territory. They can easily coexist with any other race, as long as their own needs and culture is not ignored.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Divine / Humanoid
80-100 years
Average Height
8 to 12 feet
Average Weight
1000 to 2800 pounds
Average Length
8 to 10 feet
Average Physique
Centauri are known for being bulkier than other humanoids, with more body fat, more muscle mass, and boxier shape to their bodies.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They can have any skin tone found in humans, and fur typically comes in black, brown, white, tan, or red. Less common coloration includes silver, blonde, 'blue', and multi-toned, usually a combination of the aforementioned colors across the whole coat. Centauri also host a wide variety of markings, like all those found in horses and some unique to them like swirls or faded stripes.
Related Ethnicities
Related Myths

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