
Astrological symbols often have great meaning on Terra, and are often related to historical figures, the gods, and significant events.  



The Serpent's Constellation

The Serpent's Constellation is not a true constellation, but rather a formation of stars and a large swirling void of visible stars without the aid of a telescope. Four large stars sit between the 'coils' of the serpent formed by the void of stars, giving it the appearance of a serpent weaving between them. These stars have varying names depending on the region, and are often called the stars of different snake gods, usually the cobra, the python, the viper, and the king snake. Often the void of stars is associated with the fallen god Hilathu, representing his fall from grace and the pantheon.  

The Fox Constellation

No longer recognized due to the main star of the constellation dying and turning into a nova remnant (The Fox Nova below), the Fox Constellation was associated with Hikaru Vulapin, God of Foxes and considered a strong symbol of her and autumn, due to being above the horizon in the early fall, and hidden for much of the remainder of the year.  

The Mother and The Father

A pair of constellations best seen in the northern hemisphere, The Mother is a constellation of a whale, overlapping a constellation of a wolf. Over centuries, the two symbols were merged in association with the gods they were created for, Olrath and Ferventi, who respectively are gods of motherhood and fatherhood. Most often, The Mother and The Father are best viewed in the springtime.  


The same constellation from the human era, many gods have adopted the constellation as one of their symbols, and it is often used as a symbol of mortals, humanity, progress, and the past.  

Stars and Nebula


Star of Vega

Simply called 'Vega' in the human era, it is a bright star that is visible in the summer time, particularly in the north. Vega is often used as the North Star, and heavily associated with Fire God Vega, as the god of fire named himself after the star and adopted it as one of his primary symbols.  

The Fox Nova

The fox nova is the supernova remnant of a large star that died in the year 19,863, in a constellation that was once heavily associated with the fox god, Hikaru Vulapin, God of Foxes. Rather than abandon the constellation as a symbol, the fox god took the nova to the fold among her symbols as one of change and transformation, and Hikaru went as far as to use a stylized tattoos of the nova on her chest, arms, and stomach. Although barely visible with the naked eye anymore, appearing to be simply a bright star, the nova can still be seen clearly with even a simple telescope.  

Other Astrological Formations and Events


The Hunter's Moon

Also known as the Blood Moon, the Hunter's Moon is the name given to partial lunar eclipses that turn the moon a deep blood red. It is associated with great power and success in great goals, mainly associated with the gods of large carnivores such as Ferventi, God of Wolves, Novi, The Goddess of Orcas, Svrar, Goddess of Tigers, and occasionally gods of feasts such as Ludovic. The Hunter's moon can occur on different dates multiple times per year and often celebrated by large hunting trips.  

Crashing Heavens Meteor Shower

Occurring every summer and seen particularly well around the equator, this meteor shower is heavily associated with the death of the previous god of wind, the mother of Ryou, the God of Wind. Often this shower sees hundreds of shooting stars and the occasional large fireball shooting across the sky and is a large spectacle for stargazers and space enthusiasts alike. For followers of Ryou, it is seen as a time of mourning and reflection, that eventually, all things return to the earth. Lasting two nights per year, the following week is often filled with hunts for meteorites and fragments.  

Dragon's Breath Comet

A highly visible comet that returns once every 30 years, the Dragon's Breath is a spectacular event that can be visible even during the day under the right conditions. Many different flights place their own associations with the comet and its arrival, with most associating it with the birth of a powerful dragon, the death of a leader, or arrival of great calamity. Among the gods and worshipers of them, the comet is associated heavily with war and strife coming to a close.


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