Blind (Lunar)


In short, this spell will cause blindness, a dark shadow overtaking the target's vision temporarily.

Side/Secondary Effects

When used repeatedly, the spell can cause permanent blindness in a target, or if cast wrong, in the caster themself.   When combined with Lunar Mind Control, this spell can be used to cause hallucinations and confuse targets.


Like most lunar magic, this spell will cause the moon to be reflected in the target's eyes. In this particular case, a black/new moon will be shown as long as the spell is in effect for.


The Moon, particularly the New phase
Related Deity/Higher Power
Applied Restriction
Much like it's solar counterpart, this spell is considered torture and highly illegal to use outside of the dragonflights. Casters of it can be jailed and due to the Lunar Flight's usage of it in the past for cruelty, face much higher punishments than those of the solar version.

Articles under Blind (Lunar)


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