Dance of Blood


A custom that started with the Blood Dragonflight, although it has spread across Terra and is in close association with the gods Shia and Mora, that celebrates the cycle of life and death.


The Dance of Blood is a holiday falling on the 7th new moon of the year, and is started when a fight or brawl draws blood. Those participating will draw sigils on one another's chests when the fight has stopped. Others in the vicinity will start their own duels, and weapons are permitted but generally forgone for unarmed combat. Killing participants is not permitted in any form, and tending your opponent's wounds after the battle is seen as a gesture of goof faith and good sportsmanship. Singing, dancing, and alcohol is common during this ritual, so long ago started by dragons. Common understanding is that there is no motive to kill, with any person able to step out should they need at any time to rest or if overwhelmed. The dance of blood often lasts through the night, followed by drinking, feasting, and sex as most festivals often are, and then quickly abandoned.


Sekhmet, Goddess of Lions and Novi, The Goddess of Orcas as two gods of sportsmanship and athletes are two well known participants and proponents of the holiday, who encourage their followers to take part.


The Dance of Blood is not well received in many areas, with most cities outright banning participation, and those who do anyway can be arrested for assault, fighting, and often, public indecency.
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