
Dragonkin is a family of creatures most simply described as all descended from the "first dragon", including both sentient and feral dragons, as well as any species created by them, although this part of the classification is highly controversial, as it includes the Omnia. Creatures within this grouping must meet multiple (though not all) qualifications in order to be considered dragonkin:  
  • Must reasonably be a descendant of the dragonkin holotype (mandatory)
  • Hyperspecialized venom and or ability to breath flame
  • Hollow or lightweight bones
  • Typically 6 limbs- 2 front appendages, 2 hind, and 2 wings
  • Specialized teeth sets
  • Scale, fur, or feather-like body covering derived from skin-type keratinized scales
  • Lightweight skulls, convergently similar to that of therapods rather than those of closer relatives
  • Primarily reproduce through eggs
  • Immunity or extreme resistance to most diseases found in other animals
  Species that once in their evolutionary history had these features, but later they became lost or vestigial, are still counted as being dragonkin.  

Dragonkin groupings


Lindworm family

The Lindworm family is a basal member of the dragonkin group, thought to be one of the first to diverge from the dragonkin holotype. They retain many more basal features and lack those more commonly associated with 'modern' dragon species, and can be commonly confused for common lizards or snakes. Lindworms typically have very short limbs, often lack fore or hindlimbs, usually are not capable of producing flame, and are most often venomous. Nearly all species within the lindworm family are not capable of powered flight, instead using their wings to glide or for reproductive displays. There exists extreme controversy over lindworms being classified as a basal group, and their arrangement on the dragonkin family tree is highly debated, with many arguing that most lindworm species are quite derived and highly specialized, moreso than a basal placement would suggest.  

Batax Lindworm

Blood Eel

Sandskink Lindworm


Wyvern family

The wyvern family of dragonkin is not entirely thought to be a true grouping, but instead many different individual species that have been grouped together due to their primary trait- species classified as wyverns all have extremely reduced or entirely vestigial forelimbs, instead using their highly specialized wings for locomotion on the ground. Genetic analysis suggests that many species grouped as wyverns are not as closely related as once assumed, explaining many morphological differences between species. Many sentient dragons also classify as wyverns under this definition.  


Rakefield's Whelp (classification is highly contested)



True Dragons / Modern Dragons

This grouping is also highly debated exactly where it falls in the dragonkin family tree, most notably as it includes the sentient species of dragons. Dragon species within this grouping are typically quite large, possess latent magic ability, extraordinarily low magic resistance, and often some form of Immortality, whether they are sentient or not. Even the name of the grouping is highly controversial, as its former name, the 'True' dragons, suggests that all other groupings are lesser or invalid, but 'Modern' also has its issues, as the lineage is known to be quite old, predating the human era. The group does not only contain the sentient dragons, but also contains their closest still living cousins.  

Ancesteral Sentient Dragon (hypothetical ancestor to all sentient dragon species)

Black-Beaked Bonereaper (non-sentient/feral)

Dragons (The sentient race)

Omnia (to much debate, and highly contested by many dragons)


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