
Transmission & Vectors

Immortality is, outside of Omnia and Dragons, only given by the gods, either The Major Gods or Minor Gods. This is most often given to the partners and mates of the gods, or their heirs as a way of protecting them. Traditionally, a god must gain permission from Shia, the God of Death pr Mora, The God of Life before making someone immortal and have it approved, although there are cases where a god has circumvented their permission and done it anyway. One such god is Yung Pagoni, God of Peacocks, who made his partner Soliairs Taeyang immortal in a bid to save their failing relationship.   Omnia and dragons are an exception, as a form of immortality comes naturally to their kind. This quasi-immortality is not as powerful as that in the gods or ones gods have granted it to, and they can still be affected by certain diseases and be killed by others of their kind, but notably not by age. Omnia and dragons can only be truly killed by others of their own kind and the gods if their essence is completely destroyed, permanently killing them, and preventing them from ever reincarnating.   Rarely, immortality can also function as a spell, though its only known cases in this form are as a curse/boon given by the gods.

Affected Groups

Anyone can be inflicted with immortality, however a natural form of it is most common in the omnia and dragons.

Cultural Reception

Immortals are often revered, as the most well known cases are due to the gods.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Extremely Rare
Affected Species

Articles under Immortality


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