Dragonsglass Blower

Dragonsglass is a unique type of glass, formed by using fire mana and draconic magic alongside traditional glass blowing techniques.



Due to the need of fire mana and draconic magic in making dragonsglass, blowers must be able to use Fire Mana and dragons' breath spells in a high level of skill. Due to this, the glass blowers are almost always older, skilled casters with decades of experience, and often with a lot of money for the proper training. The techniques are often passed from parent to child, making those who start up independently uncommon.

Career Progression

Dragonsglass blowers enjoy many different fields of their work, such as artistry in glass sculpture, pipe making, and architecture.

Payment & Reimbursement

Due to the field being limited, these glass blowers often have a high pay grade and extremely dedicated customers that are often on the upper side of society or manufacturers with money to spare. As it is a limited market, they also can set their prices as they please.

Other Benefits

All dragonsglass blowers are provided with medical care at the mimimum, and discounts on the rare materials used in their craft.



Dragonsglass is an incredibly strong glass that is resistant to magic, and can be used as a storage device for it if crafted correctly. Although it is quite dangerous to make, and if done incorrectly the glass can explode unprompted, dragonsglass is a highly sought after material for pipes, architectural glass, ritual objects for the gods and the dragonflights, and in power production. The beauty of the glass is also sought after for artistic pieces and sculpture.

Social Status

There is danger in crafting any glass, but dragonsglass in particular due to the volatile magics used in the process. Among crafters, dragonsglass blowers are quite well respected, as one mistake can put them at risk of permanent disfigurement and injury, or even death. Among their customers, dragonsglass blowers often are highly respected for their artistic skill and precision.


Traditionally, dragonsglass was solely made by dragons, particularly those of the Solar Dragonflight. In recent times, the technique has been passed on to humanoids, and is quite prevalent in the City of Shanai for luxury items. Regional differences in techniques see that many who learn the technique come from often the same backgrounds and families, passing their knowledge from generation to generation.


Dangers & Hazards

Fire mana and draconic magic are volatile when mixed together, and due to the blatant corruption in each form of these magics, can easily cause grievous injury to the user when combined. The Combination of these magics is vital to creating dragonsglass, and one mistake can be deadly, causing unrestrained fire, explosions, and burns. This is on top of the already present danger in blowing glass, as one deals with extreme temperatures and molten sand.   There is also the hazards that come from having an extremely guarded technique not available to outsiders, in the sabotage from rival glass blowers of equipment and poaching of customers and workers.
Due to the nature of the magics and glass blowing, to become a dragonsglass blower a person must be a registered master of fire mana, and a trained glass blower. To obtain all the proper permits and education, alongside training in the specific techniques used, can take up to 15 years on average, along with hefty sums of money for training.   Those who practice illegally, due to the dangers to themselves and others, can face jail time and heavy fines, along with the seizure of all equipment, materials, and property associated with blowing dragonsglass along with being banned from the practice for a minimum of 15 years.

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