City of Shanai


Shanai is home to any and all races on Terra and hosts many modern accommodations to the specific needs of them. Most numerous in population are Mages, Vampires, Demons, and Blood Demons, with the city also bearing host to a few different hives of Fairies. Mermidae are also common around the city, due to its coastal environment.


The city is protected by Fire God Vega, and his cult. Few dare to attack as a major god such as Vega can be devastating in battle. Just the same, however, Vega has used underwater volcanos to raise the level of the ocean to make it hard, if not impossible, for large ships to reach the islands other than at particular, highly defensible points.


Tourism is incredibly high in the city, thanks to a warm, tropical environment, calm weather during tourist season, and many famous landmarks. The island's natural beauty attracts thousands in the summer to enjoy the beaches, and has led to the building of hundreds of hotels and tourist traps to accommodate them. The Temple of Vega is perhaps the largest draw along with the Mount Shanai Hot Springs, said to have healing qualities, and the Temple of Soliairs often makes frequent visits to the city.   Shanai boasts a diverse and old culture surrounding food, comfort, and many festivals such as the Midsummer Fire Festival, and having a reputation as a party town, leads to many coming to the islands seeking fun, good food, and excitement.

Natural Resources

The city is home to many stonecrafters who work with the island's natural volcanic stone, which there is plenty of. There are also many Dragonsglass Blowers in the area as well, using the plentiful white ocean sand.
Alternative Name(s)
Shanai, City of 'Boar Islands' lit translation from Common
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
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Owning Organization
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