

Material Characteristics

Dragonsglass looks similar to regular glass, differing in that its surface will generally have a 'rippled' effect in the colors reflected off of it, even from white light. It is more dense than regular glass as well, producing a harder knock sound when tapped on.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Dragonsglass is incredibly magic resistant, more durable, and less prone to shatter than regular glass. It also does not absorb latent magic, making it highly desired for storing magical energy as it is extremely hard to contaminate when charged with a particular form of magic.

Origin & Source

Dragonglass is formed from sands and silica heated into a tough and durable glass that is then treated with a highly prized trade secret blend of magic, making the outside of the material incredibly resistant to absorbing magic, but the inner material excellent for storing it without deteriorating.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Dragonglass is most commonly used as a form of magic battery, as it can store magic incredibly well and can be reused once depleted. Due to their ability to store nearly any form of magic long term and their sustainability, dragonglass is an exceedingly popular battery type.


Trade & Market

Dragonglass is a very commonly sold product, and often used in the manufacturing of other goods, especially those requiring some form of magic in their use. The material is a common component in magical lenses, magic stabilizers, power sources, magic refinery, spell sampling kits, batteries, and in some specialized equipment such as Blood Cloning and Transfusion Machines and Quick 8 kits. The material is also occasionally used in crafting, such as for bead and jewelry work.


Dragonglass when uncharged can be left like any piece of glass for storage. When it is charged, however, all pieces over 2 pounds must be properly labelled for when it was last charged, by who, and with what form of magic and wrapped with fire-proof material. Most commonly, charged dragonglass will be stored inside of heavyweight locking-lid crates to prevent accidental discharge. Pieces over 10 pounds, most commonly found in industrial use, must be stored or discarded by professionals due to risk of accidental discharge being powerful enough to cause high damage.

Law & Regulation

Dragonglass over 5 pounds in weight can pose a risk of injury and damage if accidentally discharged, and thus requires proper licensing and training to use, move, or discard. Pieces 10 pounds or more must be discarded and stored by professional teams.
Any, opaque or translucent
Melting / Freezing Point
1400 C to 1600 C melting point
Common State

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