Blood Cloning and Transfusion Machine


These machines are widely used in hospitals and clinics around the world, considered to be one of the highest advancements in the medical field in centuries and responsible for putting an end to the blood donation crisis. By taking samples of a patient's own blood at their yearly check ups, the samples can be cloned throughout the year in case of accident or disease resulting in the need for a transfusion, eliminating the need for blood donation by anyone other than the patient themselves in most cases. As blood banks are now specialized for housing the machines and their stock of manufactured blood rather than taking donations,

Social Impact

One of the largest impacts of the devices has been that in the modern world, deaths as a result from blood loss are almost unheard of, almost only occurring in situations where the patient was not found until after death. The need for blood donations has entirely disappeared in most areas of the world, as even in the cases of a patient needing blood and not having their own samples, there is an excess of blood on hand at nearly every developed hospital of almost every blood type.   Among various networks of The Underground, the technology is also a life saver for Omnia, whose specialized medical needs often mean that they cannot receive blood from others without intense auto-immune responses that can often cause more harm than the initial injuries that required a transfusion. Due to this, omnia can ensure they receive their own blood in event of a medical emergency.   Screenings for blood borne diseases is also at an all time high, with cases being able to be monitored, discovered, and treated far sooner than prior to their invention. Describing the way that the machines have revolutionized the medical field is often compared to the discovery of germ theory, as their applications are so far reaching and affect nearly every field, that it is hard to summarize.
Children Technologies
The machines were developed by the Sacramento University of Constructed Magic Applications, first as a theoretical concept and then later prototyped based off of magic utilized by vampires for food production. The devices remain patentless, allowing any company, hospital, or organization to create their own based on the originals and develop them further.
Access & Availability
Limited- Medical use only
The machines are a combination of technology and magic that is extremely hard to achieve without perfect balance. Nearly every model utilizes specialized automatic repeaters that can cast forms of Blood Magic and Life Magic in tandem, with specialized housing compartments for units of blood reproduced from samples.
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