
Written by Douglysium

Canis lupus ignis, more commonly referred to as a “hellhound.” A name given to it because of how haunting it can appear at night due to the fact its bioluminescence and tendency to smell strongly of sulfur and/or brimstone. It is capable of making its eyes and mouth glow a fiery color and when destressed it releases a burning chemical spray from its mouth that resembles wisps of smoke or steam. The bite of this beast is known to burn like a roaring fire and the creature itself seems to be at least somewhat fireproof. It does seem to have some sort of connection to fire mana as some members of this species can be seen bursting into flame when excited or acting in self defense. This does not appear to bring any harm to the animal itself. It is thought that these dogs had an evolution that was accelerated by magic and it if likely that they were created by one or more gods.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Canis lupus ignis
Domesticated dogs


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