Mala Dirtsled Dog

Basic Information


The Mala Dirtsled dog is a large working breed often compared to northern sled dog breeds such as malamutes and huskies. The Mala differs in having a thin, sparse coat, larger feet, and a much more powerful set of legs and wide chest.


Malas, like many working breeds, have intense desires to work and to please their masters. Specifically bred for their desire to run and haul, the breed is known to be problematic at times by escaping yards and causing havoc by running around neighborhoods, chasing after cars and people, and to often knock people over. Although highly trainable, if left untrained, the dogs can become nearly impossible to handle and are powerful enough to sweep most people off their feet easily.   As the dogs are a working breed, they can become stressed if not given a job and proper stimulation. Understimulated dogs are known to form bad habits such as destroying furniture and property, digging, breaking enclosures, and to chase people and animals.

Additional Information


The breed was developed from high endurance working breeds and bred for large size, trainability, and high desires to run. Unlike northern sled dog breeds, the Mala is specialized for warmer climates, often those with very high humidity and wet environments, to pull sleds across dirt, mud, and marsh fields.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
8 to 15 years
Conservation Status
Least concern / domestic


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