Ira Burman

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ira grew up within the Burman Family, one of the most dedicated and volatile sects of Hilathu's Cult, considered by most to be one of the most corrupt and abusive cults in the world. Not only due to worship of the fallen god being banned, but their own practices, over time Ira began to question the ethics of the group and her own safety. Despite her arranged marriage and having multiple young children, Ira began to seek out safety within the Cult of Fire upon developing her own ability to use Fire Mana and petitioned Vega's temple to grant her and her children visas to stay within the nation for training under the logic that her eldest, Asher Burman, would likely inherit the ability to use fire as well.   In secret, Ira began to prepare to leave the cult and her family and convinced her brother Nirav Burman to accompany her as well. Landing in Shanai, she immediately revealed herself to be a former member of the cult and that she was seeking protection for herself and her family from them and was placed under the direct protection of Fire God Vega, her marriage was annulled, and was granted the funds and housing necessary to live within the Shanin Islands. Vega's high priests also secured restraining orders against the Burman family in Ira and Nirav's name for the sake of protecting Asher, who was only two at the time.   Shortly after settling on the islands, Ira opened the Burman Cafe as a method of securing a way of life outside of Hilathu's cult and ensuring that her and her brother would have an anchor to keep them from going back to their old lives. Due to the friendly and tight knit community on Shanai, the cafe became a hit among locals and thrived under Ira's management, secure in its niche as the only authentic Indian coffeehouse on the island.   Ira is now in semi-retirement, living off of the funds generated by the cafe in earlier years and passed the role of manager off to Asher when he turned 19. Although still in her name, her only work for the cafe is now in baking many of the sweets and confections it serves.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ira, alongside her brother, Nirav Burman, both share quite a large amount of pride in leaving behind their family for a better life outside of Hilathu's Cult and escaping not only with their lives, but their children's lives as well.   Having left the cult, Ira and Nirav resisted the temptation to go back for the stability in their lives, and purchased a small property that they turned into the Burman Cafe. Due to their personable nature and consistently looking out for their neighbors, as well as exploiting a niche not found in Shanai's restaurants, the pair were able to quickly establish themselves and their business into a flourishing one. Ira remains quite proud of her cafe, now passed onto her son that she's retired, and still enjoys baking all the food served daily.


Ira Burman


Towards Nirav Burman


Nirav Burman


Towards Ira Burman


Ira Burman


Towards Asher Burman


Asher Burman


Towards Ira Burman


Ira Burman

Mother in Law? (Important)

Towards Jon




Son in Law? (Vital)

Towards Ira Burman




Jon became friends with Ira's son Asher in elementary school, the two hitting it off and becoming inseparable quickly. Jon often would come over after school to play and do homework with Asher at the Burman's house, becoming close friends with Ira and Nirav as well. When Jon was selected to become one of Vega's priests and his parents offered themselves in his place, he was largely left without parental care until Ira stepped in, effectively taking him and and helping to raise the boy herself. Under her care, he did not know loneliness or go without being unloved.   Throughout his teenage years, Jon began to date Asher, to Ira's acceptance, and now with both boys having become adults, Jon maintains a close friendship with Ira. Often, he introduces her as his step mother, despite not being married to Asher (yet), and Ira has never questioned calling him her son.

Ira Burman

Devout (Vital)

Towards Fire God Vega


Fire God Vega

Patron God (Trivial)

Towards Ira Burman



Vega became Ira's patron god shortly after she developed the ability to use fire mana and had to go to Shanai for training in its use. As a fire mana user, Ira was able to petition him for more personal requests than the average person, and used this to secure safety for herself and her family away from Hilathu's dangerous cult.

Current Location
Nirav Burman (Brother)
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan, dark spotting


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