Ludovic's Burrow

Home of Ludovic, The God of Polecats and Ferrets.


Ludovic's home is partially underground, personally dug by the god. It has a small door just large enough for Ludo to enter, leading down rough cut stairs deeper into the central room, with a fireplace leading above ground in the center for heat. The floor is covered in pelts and hides in lieu of a carpet, with a small kitchen dug into the north wall. The east side of the room leads to Ludo's personal chambers, which are covered wall to ceiling in pelts, with a large mattress made of straw and furs in the center that fills the entire room.   All the walls are supported by branches, logs, and boards from Scott's Pine Trees and Yew, with the roots of trees above ground supporting them. Most of the home has a dirt floor and walls, with small sections of wooden ceiling.
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