

Mimic magic allows one to copy the last used spell or magic form used by another person. Skills and forms mimicked will stay with the user for years, only fading if they do not use them or forget they mimicked it in the first place. The user can also teach others how to use these forms, despite being limited to the manner of use they copied themselves.

Side/Secondary Effects

For the user, mimic magic is incredibly draining on one's aura and energy to use. It often leaves the user feeling tired and hungry, draining some of their aura and energy every time they come into physical contact with someone who has used a spell they did not already have use of. If somehow mimic is blocked or reflected, such as with Magic Resistance, it makes the user even more tired and will continue draining their energy as long as they are touching the person blocking it.


Mimic is an invisible spell, with little indication it was used other than the effect on the user.


Mimic is a form of magic that was unique to Sekhm McConnell, and formed into a kind of 'toolkit' by him for combat purposes. He later on taught his husband, Lorenzo McConnell how to use it along with many spells he's learned through its use.
Gestures & Ritual
Most forms of mimic magic require physical contact with the target in order to use it. Higher level forms may only require being in a target's general proximity.
Effect Casting Time
Physical contact


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