Lorenzo McConnell

Lorenzo De Luca (a.k.a. Enzo, Lor)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lorenzo is leanly muscled, and physically healthy. He has few scars or marks, and no tattoos. He's quite tall and lanky as well, and naturally has silvery gray hair- having gone gray prematurely when he was in his twenties. He often dyes the shorter sections darker to look as though it was on purpose and not his natural hair.

Body Features

He lacks major scarring, tattoos, and piercings completely. The only real identifying mark he has is a near permanent tan line on his ring finger from his wedding ring.

Facial Features

Lorenzo's hair is gray naturally, having developed in his twenties. Although he doesn't enjoy this fact of life, he has given up on trying to cover it, instead dyeing the shorter sections of his hair a dark gray to look as though it was intentional.

Special abilities

Illusion magic is his specialty, particularly Lunar Mind Control. Lorenzo is also quite well versed in lunar and shadow forms of magic outside of traditional means as a result of centuries of study.   Where his own skills end and mimicking other styles begin is all but impossible to determine, as he's had centuries to perfect his own latent abilities and ones he's learned.

Apparel & Accessories

Lorenzo is a fan of simple yet stylish clothing in human styles. Sweaters, vests, long jackets, and plain pants are his favorites, and most often he wears a long, thick scarf or shawl around his neck and shoulders.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lorenzo was born in Florence, Italy during the human era. He was studying to be a linguist analyst when the dragons rose and captured by the Lunar Dragonflight in the chaos, eventually being turned into an omnia fairly quickly. Lorenzo quickly recognized that the dragons were intelligent by their speech patterns, recognizing it as a complex language and used the information to his advantage, quickly beginning to bargain with the dragons keeping him captive. One in particular, Rikta, he was able to convince to aid him and other people held captive in escaping and as she was allowed to leave the lair, taught her the supplies necessary to revolt against her mother, Neia Lun De Draco, during her conquest across the Mediterranean. Lorenzo constructed a bomb and wounded Neia with it, escaping in the confusion.   By the time of his escape, the The War of Black Ash was in full swing with major revolts underway by the omnia. He eventually came across another omnia, Ash, and the pair stayed together purely due to Lorenzo's intimate knowledge of how the dragons worked and Ash's survival abilities and medical knowledge. Staying together and trying to outrun the dragons, Lorenzo and Ash eventually worked past their clashing personalities as they traveled across Europe trying to find areas free of dragon rule.   Lorenzo's own memories of the periods after are blurry and hazed, mixed together in the few areas he remembers anything at all. Him and Ash separated many times, pursuing their own relationships and taking time apart after many centuries where they were lovers, eventually coming back together time and time again.   In the modern era, Lorenzo began to work for Victor Valentine I in the Nottingham Museum as a linguist, supportive but cautious of Ash's new line of work as a mercenary for the Nottingham Underground. Ash changed his name to Sekhm McConnell and the pair married, though split apart again when Lorenzo began to pursue a mortal mage, Rochelle Kessler and had a daughter with her, Kari Kessler. Their relationship was short lived and Lorenzo and Sekhm got back together, though both maintain a good relationship with Rochelle, sharing custody of Kari.   Lorenzo now works for Victor I's son, Victor Valentine II, holding the position as a senior archivist in the museum.

Gender Identity





Lorenzo has an extensive education background, repeatedly attending university to learn new skills and pursue his interests. He himself does not know how many degrees he has pursued out of boredom, but the number is rather high, reflecting his thirst for knowledge on a wide array of subjects.   His main field concerns Western Language, particularly Italian, English, and Spanish, although he also has a great deal of experience in teaching, restoration, and the handling of delicate paper works.


Lorenzo is a senior archivist at the Nottingham's State Museum of Humanoid History. His primary work is restoring and preserving texts from the human era. As he is well versed in studying various languages and multilingual, he also assists in translations for his colleges.   In the past, under false identities to protect his status as an omnia, Lorenzo would take on jobs of various kinds that he'd become interested in. Through this he has found a natural talent for cooking, and quite enjoys working as a cook as his go to 'cover'. He's also quite fond of teaching and children, and has been a school teacher in the past.

Mental Trauma

PTSD as a result of his time captured by Neia Lun De Draco is at the forefront, with a deep hatred of her and the lunar flight dominating his depressive episodes.   Lorenzo is also masking a lot of grief- grief for his family that died in the rise of the dragons, the extinction of humanity, and out living many people he has cared about, including nearly all of his descendants aside from his daughter Kari.   He also has an incredible fear of needles- often any medical procedure that would require a shot, even getting a filling, he has to be fully knocked out for or restrained, as this fear runs so deeply in him he will act out and thrash or attempt to defend himself, even when he knows it's illogical and he's not in any actual danger.

Personality Characteristics


The world is a puzzle, and all impossibilities are a shortcome of one's own knowledge. It is the philosophy Lorenzo lives by, and his main drive in life to know all he can about as many things as he can. He has seen the world change so many times around him, and looks to the future with excitement for what drastic changes may happen next.

Likes & Dislikes

Lorenzo is fond of learning new things, and has a vast collection of hobbies, books, and equipment associated with such. Ever seeking new knowledge, he most often is reading and practicing his skills with whatever interest he has picked up. He is fond of working with his hands, and seeing progress quickly- if not, he generally quickly abandons a project. Cooking and good food are at the core of his being, and often his default identity when he takes on a new one.   No matter how many times he does it, Lorenzo is also quite fond of being in school, usually colleges working tword degrees in new fields or ones that have massively changed since he last attended. He greatly enjoys his time studying, especially finding how things work in things he doesn't understand to be like a puzzle made especially for him.     ...Lorenzo also owns a rooster clock, which he calls the 'Cock Clock'. Sekhm McConnell, his husband, hates it.

Vices & Personality flaws

Although it is a common trait in particularly old omnia, Lorenzo has severe memory problems when it comes to recalling his own life and events he has taken part in. Much of it is likely to do with trauma at the hands of the dragons and struggling to survive for so long on his own, along with the many deaths of children he has outlived. Often, Lorenzo won't even realize he has forgotten something, and will refuse to believe it until given irrefutable proof that it is indeed something he experienced.

Personality Quirks

At times, he can become confused when speaking and have trouble finding the word he means to use in whatever language he is using at the time. Sometimes he will even abruptly switch languages without realizing it for a time when using ones closely related to one another. When he has trouble finding the words, he will often use his illusion magics to visualize his point instead.   Lorenzo is also incredibly quiet as a person, very soft spoken, and speaking only as needed. When speaking to other omnia, reason unknown even to him, he will do so almost exclusively in dragontongue.


Lorenzo highly values his personal hygiene, and always presents himself in perfect condition- fresh clothes, freshly showered, cologne, etc.



Lorenzo is well mannered and generally polite, though prone to rambling on topics that have caught his interest.   Somewhat odd to Omnia, however, is that in the presence of them, he will speak almost exclusively in Dragontongue.


Lorenzo McConnell

Boyfriend (Important)

Towards Chiiri Hanley



Chiiri Hanley

Boyfriend (Important)

Towards Lorenzo McConnell




Chiiri and Lorenzo have been friends for many years and met through Sekhm, Lorenzo's husband. Lorenzo quickly took a liking to the younger omnia and his charms, with the two becoming fast friends through shared hobbies and interests. At some point in their friendship, Lorenzo developed a crush on Chiiri, however he mainly set it aside as he was aware that Sekhm, his husband, was also infatuated with him but   This changed drastically after Chiiri's building burned down due to an electrical problem. Both he and Sekhm backed off in flirting with Chiiri completely and offered for him to move in with them until he found a new place of his own. It was meant to be a temporary measure, however neither Lorenzo or Sekhm had any intention of kicking the younger omnia out before he was ready.   To his surprise, after years of being ignorant to or ignoring Lorenzo's previous advances, Chiiri questioned him on why he had suddenly become cold to him. Surprised by the situation, Lorenzo laughed and explained that he and Sekhm had been flirting with him for years and they weren't being cold, but had stopped out of respect for the rough period he was having in his life. Shortly after, Chiiri began dating both Lorenzo and Sekhm.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both Chiiri and Lorenzo are curious by nature and love learning new things, with a particular love of figuring out how things work.

Shared Acquaintances

Sekhm McConnell, Talv Milner

Sekhm McConnell

Husband (Vital)

Towards Lorenzo McConnell



Lorenzo McConnell

Husband (Vital)

Towards Sekhm McConnell




Lorenzo and Sekhm met during the The War of Black Ash in Italy, only a few years after Lorenzo had escaped from Neia. Both were starving and fought over a dead pig, eventually settling on splitting the animal between each other rather than waste their energy and risk injury. At first, the two of them did not get along and merely stayed together for the sake of survival, that 'two pairs of eyes were better than one'.   As the War of Black Ash ended, their relationship had developed much. From necessity, to close friends, and later on the two became a couple. Sekhm and Lorenzo got married as soon as they were able, often remarrying each other when they form new identities. Both are quite comfortable in their trust in one another, and occasionally take breaks to date other people for a short period of time before getting back together.

Talv Milner

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Lorenzo McConnell


Lorenzo McConnell

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Talv Milner


Lorenzo McConnell

Ex Husband (Important)

Towards Rochelle Kessler



Rochelle Kessler

Ex Wife (Important)

Towards Lorenzo McConnell




Rochelle met Lorenzo at her job as a chef at a local Italian restaurant, with Lorenzo becoming a regular customer quite quickly. They began dating a few months later, often after hours at the restaurant. They got married early on into their relationship and were together for many years, and Rochelle gave birth to Kari, Lorenzo's daughter. Not long after this, Lorenzo felt guilty about hiding the fact he was an omnia from her, and told her while also introducing her to Sekhm. Lorenzo told her about him and Sekhm's relationship and that they had met while the pair were on a 'break' and seeing other people for several years. Rochelle was quite accepting of this, and quickly became good friends with Sekhm.   Rochelle and Lorenzo tried to keep their relationship together for the sake of Kari, but over time had begun to drift apart and eventually got divorced. Lorenzo got back together with Sekhm, and Rochelle has not dated anyone else since, instead focusing on Kari and her job. They remain quite good friends to this day, and both have shared custody of Kari, her staying with one of them every other week.

Kari Kessler


Towards Lorenzo McConnell


Lorenzo McConnell


Towards Kari Kessler


Victor Valentine II

Boss / Good Friend (Important)

Towards Lorenzo McConnell



Lorenzo McConnell

Archivist / Good Friend (Important)

Towards Victor Valentine II




Victor II has known Lorenzo his entire life, with the other many being a long time employee of his father, Victor Valentine I. Having been often baby sat by the omnia when he was a child, Victor has a high degree of respect for him, viewing him like family, like an older sibling or an uncle. This is exemplified by Lorenzo having an incredibly strong bond with his father and being among one of his closest friends.   Now that Victor has taken up the position of director himself, he still spends a lot of his working time alongside Lorenzo, either supervising his own projects or lending assistance as needed, and getting such from Lorenzo in turn. They often work collaboratively on side projects, and proof reading each other's papers. Much of their time hanging out together is spent with long rambles and rants about subjects outside their respective fields, bouncing ideas and theories off one another and debating for fun.

Nicknames & Petnames

'Enzo' and 'Veevee'

Relationship Reasoning

Lorenzo has worked at the Nottingham's State Museum of Humanoid History for many years, first working for Victor Valentine I when he was a student and climbing to his current position. As such with Victor II spending a lot of his time at the museum as a child, he spent a lot of time in the labs and became quick friends with Lorenzo, at times the man babysitting him as needed. Lorenzo often showed the young Victor neat tricks and experiments in the lab, known from his time previously as a school teacher, and would entertain him.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both have a deep love of learning and entrenching themselves in new subjects.

Shared Secrets

Victor was told by his father that Lorenzo is an omnia, and keeps such a secret from others, going along with any ruse or lie to cover Lorenzo, and by extension, Sekhm's pasts.

Shared Acquaintances

Victor Valentine I and Maura Valentine

Neia Lun De Draco

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Lorenzo McConnell



Lorenzo McConnell

Enemy (Important)

Towards Neia Lun De Draco




When the dragons rose, Lorenzo was unfortunate enough to be one of those quickly captured and broken into submission by Neia. Perhaps even more unlucky, he was one of many that became the first known omnia and unlike human counterparts, was not spared a quick death and was instead forced to serve her will or be tortured for disobeying.   With the help of one of Neia's daughters, Rikta, Lorenzo was able to smuggle in the components to build a bomb and use it to escape from Neia, the left overs being used to bait her into a trap and greatly wound the great dragon, temporarily blinding her. This act caused many lunar dragons' faith and trust in Neia to be shaken, as no mortal had ever been known to wound her before, and is seen as a great failure by her.

Victor Valentine I

Former Boss (Important)

Towards Lorenzo McConnell



Lorenzo McConnell

Former Employee (Important)

Towards Victor Valentine I




Lorenzo was at one time an intern for Victor, and his drive and personal knowledge allowed him to quickly climb into the position he holds at the museum today. Notably, Victor is aware that Lorenzo and his husband are omnia and this is a carefully kept secret between the them, only shared between them, Maura, and unbeknownst to Lorenzo, Victor II.   Victor has allowed Lorenzo to pursue many personal projects during his time working for him, and is greatly appreciative of his drive and wealth of knowledge of the world and history otherwise lost. In turn, Lorenzo views him as a great man, and one of the best employers he has had. When his son was quite young, Victor would often turn to Lorenzo to watch and care for him first over hiring a baby sitter, due to an incredible amount of trust he holds for the omnia and knowing his incredible love of children.

Nicknames & Petnames

Lorenzo almost exclusively calls him Victor, rather than Victor I.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both have a deep love of anthropology, history, and the way culture has changed over time, with an incredible amount of dedication and love for their jobs.

Shared Secrets

Victor is aware that Lorenzo and his husband Sekhm are omnia, and keeps this secret closely guarded, only having told his wife and son, who are similarly close to them.


Friend? Ally? (Important)

Towards Lorenzo McConnell



Lorenzo McConnell

Friend? Ally? (Important)

Towards Rikta




Rikta at first was suspicious of Lorenzo and his claims of her mother's cruelty, but with time, he managed to show her and steer her in the right direction to see the error of her mother's ways. The young dragon was key in his many escape attempts from the flight, smuggling him supplies, food, and water until he was eventually able to create a bomb that wounded Neia.   For assisting him, Rikta was branded as a traitor to the flight and marked as an outcast before being brutally beaten and almost killed for refusing to stand down. She fled her family, eventually reconnecting with the omnia in Nottingham, New York. They remain on good terms, however are not particularly close and can still heavily disagree with one another.

Relationship Reasoning

Both hated by Neia and the lunar flight, Lorenzo and Rikta share a commonality that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'.

Shared Acquaintances

Neia Lun De Draco



Towards Lorenzo McConnell


Lorenzo McConnell


Towards Mayriam



Mayriam and Lorenzo have worked together many times in the past, as their specialties frequently intersect. While not particularly friends, or even friendly in their debates, the pair do have a shared respect for one another as fellow linguists. Despite this, they both heavily disagree about their respective fields and any and all debates between the two can be quite heated.

Wealth & Financial state

Working for a prestigious museum and as a senior member of the staff, Lorenzo is paid quite handsomely, though does not spend frivolously. His lifestyle is much closer to that of the typical middle class person in Nottingham, owning a decently sized home and two cars- one for himself and one for his husband Sekhm.
Current Location
Date of Birth
February 15th
Year of Birth
1994 18027 Years old
Florence, Italy
Sekhm McConnell (Husband)
Current Residence
Rainbow Row, Nottingham
he/him, they/them
Silver and gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Italian, English, Spanish, and Common
Ruled Locations

Wind Mana, Water Mana

Articles under Lorenzo McConnell


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