Singing Blades


The Singing Blade technique is a form of wind mana designed around controlling and manipulating bladed weapons, designed around extreme degrees of dexterity, control, and understanding one's space. It originated in vampiric participants of the Dance of Blood in China, using the technique as a form of dueling dance to test participant's abilities.

Side/Secondary Effects

When used incorrectly, this technique can cause the blades held by one's wind mana to suddenly and unexpected shoot off without control, risking extreme injury or death to the caster or bystanders.


Most often, the spell is accompanied with a high pitched 'singing' sound from weapons encased in it, caused by the swiftly moving air. This is where the technique got its name. Some techniques of it used in Singing Blade competitions often use this to an advantage, with points given to participants who use the sound to mimic the sounds of music playing during their duels correctly.
Related Deity/Higher Power
Material Components
Swords, knives, polearms, or other similar bladed weaponry.
Gestures & Ritual
In order to use Singing Blade, one must wrap a weapon with wind mana enough to grip it and also hold it aloft in the air without dropping it. This alone is extremely difficult.
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
Short to mid range
Applied Restriction
This technique is extremely dangerous, especially if botched. As such, only those trained are permitted to use it. Mishandling the technique often is classified as assault with a deadly weapon or endangerment to others.

Articles under Singing Blades


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