Uko'shad Goh "Killing the old self" (oo-co-sha'd go)


The tradition of reinventing one's self every few decades to every few centuries runs deep within the Omnia and is thought to have originated not long after their initial creation, likely within the first century or two following the Rise of the Dragons. The practice has also had many names, but is mainly known by its current one, originating from a now defunct Underground in South Wales in 8,904.


The process is largely up to individual choice, in which an omnia will begin to redefine their life. Oftentimes this involves changing their name, identity, and residence, leaving all that came before behind, generally including friendships and relationships. This is often due to a general feeling of stagnation, boredom, or depression, often caused by being set into one role, location, or lifestyle for too long. Omnia will often start the process by scouting out new areas, leaving their jobs, and moving to a new location. Old territories are often abandoned and negotiations to move into a new Underground network will begin.   During this early phase, Omnia will often change their appearances drastically, be it physically or through their clothing and accessories. It is not that uncommon for omnia undergoing the process to experiment with their gender and sexual identities, though not all do this. Other physical changes such as tattoos and piercings are also commonly done during this period. Once settled into a new appearance and location, omnia will begin to pursue new lifestyles. New hobbies and careers are often sought out, generally being ones with little connection to ones they've had in the past.
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