Theory of Same Magic Origins of Spatial, Dimensional, Illusion, and Time Magic


The theory's hypothesis states that Spatial, Dimensional, Illusion, and Time based magics are not different forms, but are in fact all the same base magic, and that users of any one of the four forms can conjure the same effects as the other three depending on their usage and skill.   The hypothesis states that one avenue for testing is to push the magics far beyond what they are ordinarily used for through artificial means, such as with Dragonglass batteries, and that with sufficient power, time magic will become spatial, dimensional to illusion, and all four will be able to readily produce the effects of the others.  


There has been some evidence in support of the theory, particularly with applications of spatial and dimensional magic. Spatial and dimensional magic consistently produce similar effects, and have long been considered for reclassification as the same magic class, with most favoring that spatial magic be considered a subset of dimensional forms.  

Contrary Evidence:

In way of testing, there has only been vague evidence that time and illusion magics are connected. Almost all tests have ended in failure to create illusionary effects from time magic, and vice versa. That many users of one form are completely unable to use the others is also a massive point of contention to the theory, though those in support of it suggest that perhaps more training is needed.   Many have also pointed out that it is not uncommon for users of dimensional and illusion magic in particular to suffer Magic Corruption when using the two forms in tandem with one another, as is common with differing magic classes.  

Pushback from public circles

The Dimensional Dragonflight notably opposes the theory, stating that all their centuries of research has uncovered little in way of supporting it. Many dragons of other flights also oppose the theory on the grounds that reclassifying the four magics would cause tremendous upheaval in draconic communities, risking mergers of many different flights. Though many state that mergers and separations of the flights would not be necessary, as the theory is only concerned with the workings of magic and not the politics of the flights, it has still been claimed by many as an attempt to destabilize the already fragile politics.  

Representations in media

Representations of the theory are rather popular in many sci-fi and adventure works, particularly in video games. This has led to a rather common trope in which magic using characters will break a form of boundary in their abilities, and then be able to use all four forms of magic, often without the real-world consequences associated with doing so. The mystery thriller Ghosts of Monaco made wide use of the trope in its 7th season, with its titular detectives using their new abilities to turn back time in order to gather more evidence in solving victim's murders.


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