Magic Corruption


Magic corruption can be caused through a variety of means. Most magic corruption is the result of the overcharge of particular spells, resulting in backlash to the caster. This form of magic corruption is generally alarming, but in the long term, not particularly serious to the health and well being of the affected person and will generally only affect the caster or target themselves. In this form, magic corruption is most commonly seen in inexperienced casters, generally children and teenagers, who are still learning to harness their abilities.   More serious is the magic corruption coming from semi-experienced magic users, who have grown out of accidental overcharges and have begin mixing different magic types. Incompatible spell and magic types mixing together can cause a wide array of effects, often being unique to each cast, and common trends with these effects are still not well understood. This form of magic corruption is often temporary, however, does carry the risk of long term chronic effects, and in some cases may be immediately deadly to the caster or target. This form of magic corruption is most seen in younger boys, often between the ages of 13 and 25, with the highest trend being in teenage boys using spell mixing as a way to show off to their peers and classmates.   The rarest cause of magic corruption in people however is that caused by latent magic in the environment. It is not common for different magics in the environment to mix or be affected by spell use, and is by far the least well understood form of magical corruption. Magic corruption caused this way is most commonly through spills and improper magic energy storage device use, in which spell or other device use in the area introduces other schools of magic in a magic dense area. Magics used in this way that result in magic corruption are generally those not commonly encountered by people in day to day life, and its largely thought that the serious effects are due to lack of prior exposure to it and adverse effects being akin to an allergic reaction to the combination itself.


Symptoms of magic corruption can vary depending on the types of magic used, their strength, and the nature of their effects. While most forms of magic corruption are not deadly, over time all forms of it will be worse than the last time the condition occurred. This can cause serious complications, many of which can be disabling and seriously affect quality of life. Those who frequently suffer the effects of magic corruption can find that their affects may become permanent, and serious instances of it with more potent magics can be deadly.   Nearly all forms of magic corruption will have a combination of the following symptoms, to varying degrees of seriousness:
  • Localized pain (Generally hands, wrists, joints, or chest)
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Decreased appetite
  • Short period insomnia
  • Light sensitivity
  Serious cases of magic corruption can result in the following symptoms on top of less severe symptoms:
  • Severe chronic pain
  • Discoloration, malformation, and deformation of body parts and organs
  • Cycles of cysts, rashes, and loss of hair or scales
  • Chronic nausea and vomiting
Long term immune system compromise


Treatment courses for magic corruption is heavily dependent on the kinds of magic that initially caused the affliction. Nearly all treatments involve the neutralization of magic around the afflicted patient and orders that they cannot cast until the affliction dissipates, as continued casting can worsen their status. In chronic conditions however, this is often not possible.   In cases where magic corruption causes permanent or semi-permanent transformation of parts of the body, surgical intervention is sometimes necessary. Overgrowth or painful cysts may be removed, and damaged tissue is often reworked to be both more aesthetically pleasing and prevent chronic conditons.

Affected Groups

All magic users, be they naturally using magic or through the aid of devices, can suffer from magic corruption. It is thought that many curses are a form of directed magic corruption upon a target, however this has not been proven.


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