Dimensional Dragonflight

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

All names within the Dimensio flight are unisex, as the flight themselves does not make a distinction between them. Names are often hereditary, passing from one individual to their offspring, often by combining elements of their parents' names if not taking their exact name.   Dimensional dragons also oftentimes will choose new names for themselves in adulthood, often coinciding with their first territorial claims.   Example names: Ferros, Ghuridan, Sotennin, Akash, Rajanok


Major language groups and dialects

The dimesnional dragonflight is one of the earliest to diverge from ancestral biped-type dragons and as such, their dialect of Dragontongue retains many elements from older forms that are unchanged. Many word groupings and body signs are not found in other dialects, predating cultural and grammar shifts found in other parts of the languages, which has led to many other flights claiming that their dialect is quite hard to understand.   Among dragons, the dimensional dialect is also often described as being cold, detached, and with little emotion, similarly to other related groups such as the Lunar Dragonflight's own version of Dragontongue. A focus is put on clear, distinct, and factual descriptors if any are given at all rather than emotional ones- Dimensional dragons will not say that something looks good or bad if asked to describe it, but rather may focus on the color, shape, and form.

Shared customary codes and values

The flight deeply values information and understanding of one's circumstances and placement in the world. Commonly information is shared with the expectation of it being a trade- things, be they greetings, items, or intel, are to be given equally and in turn. If one were to ask how another was feeling, it is expected that they shall also honestly answer the question themselves.   Although not to say that members of the flight cannot be emotionally driven or irrational, the flight has a strong sense of valuing reason above all else: actions one is going to take must be well understood in their effects and consequences before they are done, often with consultation to others before doing them. Positive change is highly valued over entropy or doing nothing at all, though at times the flight's members can value any change over no change.

Common Etiquette rules

Being overly friendly is considered rude by many of the flight, as is openly declaring friendships, alliances, or other relationships. Rather, among the flight one's relationships with others are said to be declared by their physical actions rather than words.   Emphasis is put on the body language used in conversation, with strong emotional indicators often being frowned upon unless in specific scenarios, such as being in the presence of family or loved ones.
Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species
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Languages spoken


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