Vegani Rock


The Vegani Rock was a part of Mount Shanai dislodged by a landslide, believed to have occurred in the 18,550s. Over time, erosion, further landslides, and rain pushed the massive boulder further down the mountainside until it finally settled on the beach just outside of the City of Shanai. Tourists began climbing the enormous boulder despite local protest and safety concerns until it was turned into a dedicated climbing platform.   Its unknown when exactly, but at some point in time, the rock was vandalized with painted hand prints- the exact initial incident is unknown due to local myth and legend, as well as who the perpetrator is. Due to malicious hazing by locals, tourists began to paint their hands to leave their mark on the stone- an act that had become tradition among tourists until 19,675, when analysis of the stone revealed the paint and repeated climbing was causing significant damage to the landmark. The Vegani Stone was moved to the Shanai Pier, where it is now a tourist attraction and protected from further damage by a protective case.   Glass panels in front of the case are allowed to be painted by tourists, which when full, are sandwiched between panes and turned into art by local artisans.
Alternative Names
"The Rock"
Monument / Statue, Large
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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May 16, 2024 22:31

I like the idea of the hand prints. It reminds me of the hand prints in some of those old cave paintings.