

Career Progression

Warriors often start their career as trainees under those more experienced within the pack fulfilling protection jobs for the group. Generally, they will act as sentries and guards, accompanying other members of the pack on their travels and driving off wild animals and other cults who seek to do them harm. There is not much in ways of progression for a warrior, as they often rotate their duties including the role of leader for their role. Once a fully fledged warrior of the pack, most will generally specialize in another role, generally as a hunter or navigator, though it's not uncommon for them to take some interest in roles as caretakers, especially those that retire entirely from the role of a warrior.

Payment & Reimbursement

Warriors are paid similarly to other members of the pack, in that in sects close to civilization are paid in a region's local currency, but those not are compensated in goods or services.   Warriors typically do not make as much as other roles within the pack, as often, their services are few and far between in daily life. Almost all warriors are not exclusively so, instead, a temporary role they take on during times of conflict. As such, pay for warriors, especially those who fill another role, often are paid very little throughout the year and are paid in significantly larger bonuses following a conflict. Their yearly pay is generally more than enough to get by for not only themselves and their families, but the vast majority of warriors are not what one would consider rich.   Warriors are also subject to being paid high bonuses following injuries in battle and services to treat their wounds and after every conflict are given substantial time off to recover once the fighting has ceased.

Other Benefits

Warriors are highly respected within the pack and generally seen as embodying Ferventi himself in battle. They are more often than other roles given Ferventi's boons as well. Due to their role often involving conflict, warriors are given first choice of armor and clothing most of the time, unless caretakers are present and in need of it first.



The most common job of a warrior is to protect other members of the pack. Warriors will serve as guards and sentries, especially in unfamiliar or hostile territory, and defend their companions against all manners of threats, be it a rival cult, wildlife, or going as far as to attack other gods. They also perform the duty of guards while travelling, flanking their companions and scouting ahead when the pack is on the move.   In times of crisis and war, warriors, as their name suggest, make up the bulk of the fighting force and have a reputation for being incredibly fierce doing so, holding no fear of any man, beast, or god aside from their own. Curiously, warriors also are those who typically make peace as well, handling negotiations as a group with some input from pack leaders, but the majority of peace treaties and ceasefires are handled by the warriors themselves.   More peaceful times often see warriors training not only their own but the pack's war animals, such as horses and War Wolves to be ready for combat.


Typically, warriors are often younger than most others in other roles within the group, typically being the sons of other members. Being a warrior, at least for a time, is often seen as a right of passage for young men within the pack.


Dangers & Hazards

Injury and death are always present threats for warriors, when battling against any foe of the pack. Warriors generally go into the role with the mindset that injury is not a matter of if, but when, and to expect it at any turn.
Often temporary / seasonal
Famous in the Field
Other Associated professions
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