Montanan Mountains Pack


The Montana Pack follows a similar structure to the Pack of Ferventi in general, though all members are subordinate to the main sect of the pack and its leaders, such as Amos Vulapin and Odii. They frequently travel and merge with other sects of the pack and occasionally some outside groups, such as the Black Coyotes.  


Selene Cortez  


Jun- Head caretaker of the sect

Ryoten- Secondary caretaker, personal apprentice to Jun. Aspires to become a hunter.


Navigators and Woodsmen

Orion- Ryoten's son




Burke- Primarily hunter and cook, also a warrior.  


Myrena- Ryoten's daughter

Coriander- Primarily a warrior, also a hunter.



Haus- Ryoten's horse

Nishka- Ryoten's Partner's horse

Starfield- Myrena's horse

Cygnus- Orion's horse

Milkweed- Jun's horse.

Copperhead- Selene Cortez's horse.

Thunder- Coriander's horse.


The Montanan Pack is generally more peaceful than many other sects of the pack, having far fewer warriors than the main branch even with their smaller size taken into account proportionally. Their interactions with other cults and the world at large are generally peaceful, if stern and distant. Much of the group hold ideals that outsiders should only be interacted with when they need to, but those interactions should be kind and beneficial to all parties.


The group has a number of assets, the most important of them being their animals. The sect is known for their skills in rounding up, training, and breaking wild horses, which are used as their primary transport and beasts of burden. The pack also has a number of vehicles for transportation and use as shelter.


The Montanan Mountains pack is one of many sects of the Pack of Ferventi, located as their name suggests in Montana. The sect is quite old, having established their own territory roughly 2,000 years ago and have been a prominent sect of the pack since. Their sect is highly thought of by other sects, including the main branch of Ferventi's cult. Although not officially so, Montanan members are often thought of as higher ranked than members of lesser known or smaller sects, a reputation earned through repeated historical and current assistance given to the main branch and in dealings with other gods. The Montanan Sect is also considered to be a 'training' group for newly acquired members, as the group more regularly interacts with towns and outposts, while still being in regular contact with the Land of Gods, allowing new members to adjust more slowly and learn the group's ways in a much easier environment.


Although nomadic and not legally owning land, many areas of northwestern and western Montana are considered to be the pack's territory, and wilderness areas are often relegated for their use as they see fit, including to be under the jurisdiction of the pack's own rules and law as long as they are in the region. Northern Idaho and parts of eastern Washington also follow similar protocols with the pack when they come into their lands. The Montana Pack however does not retain such benefits in Oregon, Nevada, or Arizona, which they will often migrate through during winter.

Trade & Transport

Primarily, the group uses horses, war wolves, and small vehicles such as campers and trucks for their primary transport with the latter two being heavily discouraged for all but the most necessary circumstances, such as moving the entire pack or extremely harsh weather. Horses are used the most, as the pack will often tame, break, and train locally caught wild horses specifically for their use, citing that the animals are already used to the environment, cautious to local predators, and should they escape are more likely to survive until they can be recaptured. Horses are also an important economical asset to the pack, as they will often round up wild horses to sell to towns and camps within their territories for money. Occasionally, the pack will also breed the best of their horses and raise the foals for the same purpose.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Montana Pack
The Montana Pack primarily deals in local currency, generally using the Californian, Montanan, or Wyoming dollar when interacting with outsiders. The pack will often keep a stockpile of these currencies for when they pass through the different regions, but will also exchange it at banks if needed on their resupply trips. Amongst themselves, however, official forms of currency are rarely used, with exception to the caretakers, who often make trips into towns and cities. Most members of the pack typically operate on favors, bartering for supplies, and goods.
Major Exports
Fur, hide, wild game, leather and bone goods, tamed wild horses
Major Imports
Medical supplies, shelf stable foods, dry goods, Quick-8 kits, ammunition, hunting supplies
Parent Organization
Organization Vehicles


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