Chiaf Settlement in Rebia | World Anvil
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Chiaf map
Chiaf by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


The Earl of Gobok Earldom has their seat in Chiaf and oversees it.



  • Ravenbridge
  • West District
  • Stonetown
  • Elmyard
  • Castle
  • Home of the Earl of Gobok Earldom
  • Eastgate
  • Northgate
  • The Markets
  • Purple Shade
  • Thief's Chapel

Guilds and Factions

  • Malo Baridon: Chiaf branch
  • Givziean Empire: Province leaders seat
  • Givziean Cultural Society: Gobok branch
  • Merchants guild: Gobok branch
  • Adventurers Union: Gobok branch
  • Husbandry guild: Gobok branch


A fairly young settlement, the burg was built a little over 100 years ago. Home to a rich cultural center and many adventurers and explorers.

Points of interest

  • Eastgate District
    Fans of architecture should visit the Eastgate District; home to the upper class of Chiaf. Visit the museum and concert hall, or walk the well kept streets and view both buildings in the traditionally imperial style and also villas and quarters inspired by other corners of the world.
  • Orbit Inn
    The Orbit Inn in itself isn't more grand or special than other buildings in the district, instead it is the unique natural phenomena above it that attracts visitors. Above the inn floats a skyrock, said to be the lowest one in the empire. For a fee, you can climb the rock for a spectacular view of Chiaf.
  • Chiaf Castle
    Home of the Pulat family, the castle was built to mimic the style of Emperor Jdùnzas imperial fort in the capital Wat.
  • River and bridges
    Take a gondola ride through town and see the five bridges, or take a nightly ride. The river is home to a rare type of flower that blooms at night.


Biome: Tropical rainforest


Average temperature: 22°C
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

Industry & Trade


1. Ravenbridge

  • Ravenbridge Baths
  • Orange garden clinic
  • The Lame Bat

    2. West District

  • Chiaf Theater
  • Wegotthat
  • Top Drawer Antiques
  • Weird Goat Games

    3. Stonetown

  • Stonecaves
  • Sifted Gifts
  • Orbit Inn
  • Minor Blossom
  • Temple & Faith services

    4. Elmyard

  • Stitch Witch Tailorshop
  • Elmyard West Stables
  • 6. Eastgate

  • The Merry Cloak
  • Droplets
  • Parlay
  • Pacific Phoenix
  • Celecreation
  • Eastgate Hoof
  • Bell Tower
  • Storybound Books
  • Chiaf Museum
  • Chiaf Concert Hall

    7. Northgate

  • Northlook Baths
  • Rings true
  • Prospect Lane Fletcher
  • Boulevard hides
  • Grayway Goods
  • Barons Rest
  • Uneven Kitten Bar
  • 8. The Markets

  • Malo Baridon: Chiaf branch
  • The Markets
  • 9. Purple Shade

  • Third Wish Brewery
  • 10. Thief's Chapel

  • A.U supplies
  • Thin Night Fae

  • Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom