Eidefir Species in Rebia | World Anvil
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I was hiking along the shores of Lastshell Territory when I stumbled upon an Eidefir settlement. A small child was playing in the streams and he just pointed at me and laughed! Rude! Apparently, he'd never seen someone of Simian descent slip and fall on their behind in a tropical forest before.
— Gallivanter
  Eidefir is a sapient species native to the shores of Givzie. They are a type of bipedal amphibian and are reminiscent of frogs, toads, and newts. They rarely travel from their settlements and live in close knitted communities, living off of the land. They prefer living near water and are excellent swimmers and climbers.

Basic Information


The Eidefir are vertebrates, with 2 arms and 2 legs. Some have short tails.
Drawing of an Eidefir, showing proportions and physical traits
Eidefir_physique by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom

Dietary Needs and Habits

Eidefir are omnivores but are somewhat restricted in what type of food they can consume due to the lack of strong muscles in their jaw.

Biological Cycle

Eidefir settled in climates where the temperature reaches below 0 and hibernate during the cold periods, putting their body in sleep for months at a time.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Relation structures with family-like clan structures. Due to their short lifespans, children are taken care of not only by their parents but also by other adults.

Facial characteristics

Facial features have some variation, with the identifying features being the color of the iris and shape of the pupil

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Eidefir have an almost 360 vision thanks to their large protruding eyes. They are longsighted and most require aid to be able to see well in closer ranges.  Their hearing works equally well under water.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Eidefir names are gender neutral and often short. They consist of one given name and a clan name that functions as a last name. Common Eidefir given names are:
  • Kepp
  • Job
  • Nett
  • Tull
  • Ega
  • Soff

Beauty Ideals

Long legs, gleaming skin, and black patterning are seen as beautiful features. Colorful clothing and patterned textiles are popular.

Gender Ideals

Eidefir has little differentiation between those who lay eggs and those that don't.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Eidefir mainly speak their own language, but some learn the common languages of the Gubal and Dayl for trading.

Common Dress Code

Eidefir traditional clothing is simple and made to not inhibit swimming and climbing. With their sight it has historically been difficult to craft intricate details on clothing and accessories. Even though lenses to aid their longsight are available in the current day and age, the simpler shapes and large iconography of early Eidefir can still be seen in its design.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Eidefir worship nature and take great care not to disturb it more than necessary. When it rains, most work stops so as to take time to appreciate its blessing.

Common Taboos

Taboos among Eidefir are mainly based around their long-sightedness. Examples include:
  • Approaching another without first greeting them from afar
  • Giving gifts or other items below eye level without first presenting them


The Eidefirs are a young species in the history of Rebia, only existing for a few thousand years as a sapient species. They have never had their own nation, nor do they desire it. They have long inhabited the shores of Givzie, but their numbers are decreasing with the imperial army of the Givziean Empire driving them further and further north.

Common Myths and Legends

  • A great storm that will wash away their enemies and give back their lands
  • A devastating drought that will destroy nature and make their homes uninhabitable
  • The Gigas skeletons awakening and eating them as delicacies

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Eidefir fear the Yatenn due to their Gigas ancestry. They are curious of other cultures but have started to form a negative opinion of mainly the Gubal since the imperial army started their attacks.
Depiction of the Eidefir

Scientific Name
Salientia sapiens
30 years
Average Height
140 cm
Average Weight
30 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The coloration of the skin is very varied, ranging from deep greens and browns to vibrant colors with different patterns.

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom