Eldayr Species in Rebia | World Anvil
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  Aren't Eldayr plate-carvings such a beautiful decoration? In fact, I had a short apprenticeship as a carver when I was young. I lost the job when one of my clients saw that I had accidentally shaped one of their faceplates into something a bit too phallic for their tastes.
— Gallivanter
    The Eldayr are a sapient species native to northern Toldero. Humanoids with partial exoskeletal plating. The forewings, (or elytra plates) on their backs can move to reveal fragile hind wings that allow short bursts of flight. Recognizable features are variations of plating covering parts or all of the face, intended to protect their large and slightly protruding eyes. Some prefer to keep these plates untouched, while others change them with carvings or other alterations. As the Eldayr age, the plates develop more grooves and folds.

Basic Information


The Eldayr are vertebrates, with 2 legs, and 2 arms. They have partial exoskeletal plating and elytra wings.
Drawing of a person with Eldayr ancestry, showing proportions and physical traits
Eldayr_physique by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom

Genetics and Reproduction

Eldayr are capable of virgin births, and if they are reproducing with others they can choose to carry the child themselves or impregnate their partner.

Growth Rate & Stages

Eldayr children develop hind wings when reaching adolescence. The protective forewings are soft and attached to the back before this point.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Eldayr are herbivores, but depending on their ancestry some adapt to consume other types of proteins.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Heart- or oval-shaped face with small noses, and large protruding eyes are common features.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Eldayr naming traditions follow those of the Tolder language.

Beauty Ideals

The beauty ideals for plating vary. Some smooth their plating since it is associated with a youthful look, whereas others embrace the natural shape and grooves of their plating. There are many different styles of carving ranging from simple geometric shapes to intricate filigree designs.
Depiction of the Eldayr

Average Height
1.5-1.9 m
Average Weight
45-80 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Eldayr either has light pink or yellow body tints or dark purple/blue. Plating is bone white, but weathering can affect it.

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom