First holder Lato Character in Rebia | World Anvil
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First holder Lato

Splitting from Bes with nary a conflict is quite a feat! This fellow must've been one charismatic Torchbearer if the tales are to be believed.
— Gallivanter
Not much is documented about the first Torchbearer of Kindle of Grey. The imagery that exists from the time period depicting Lato confirms that a person of that name did exist, and was of Simian descent. Some depict him as Roand, others as Rulan. It is said that he had a key role in Hauls independence from Bes with a peace treaty. Despite the conflicts between Bes and Shalehal it is still in effect to this day.
First holder Lato
A painting believed to depict Lato in his younger years
Date of Birth
3rd of Greymeet, 450
Date of Death
38th of Redfall, 510
Place of Death
Dark brown
Short auburn, wavy in a middle part
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom