Kindle of Grey Organization in Rebia | World Anvil
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Kindle of Grey

A monotheistic religion with the majority of followers living in or around Hauls Theocracy land. Even though it shares its belief in an all-powerful single God with the religion it stems from; The Prime Faith, it has formed into a separate religion with its own core values. The biggest difference is their views on ancestry.
  Associated Star Sign: The Torch  


In the month of Redfall the 27th, followers of Kindle of Grey celebrate the holiday Firelight. Firelight is a celebration in honour of Prime. Rites are centred around fire, dancing and music. Large bonfires are put together and lit. It's also popular among children to carve or use other wooden crafts with sticks to create smiling figures and faces to decorate the home and the streets with. Fireshows and dances are held. The small town of Yeierrande in is famous for its decorations this holiday, and many venture there to see it.

Mythology & Lore

The world was created by God as a paradise for all its inhabitants. Evil tainted the land and made Gods children forget that their paradise ever existed. In the month of Greyset, Saint Yuethin and his people followed the Torch constellation west into the wildlands. When they arrived at a large lake, the people rested and put out their torches in the waters. As they did, a light shone in the sky to the south, where the first settlement of Yuethin was founded.

Divine Origins

Kindle of Grey has its roots in The Prime Faith belief. Their customs, associated garb and lifestyle have many similarities.

Cosmological Views

The followers of Kindle of Grey believe that our world is a paradise. That it has been tainted by the people and that the only way to make it a paradise again is to spread the word of God, purify the world of evil and live in harmony together.

Tenets of Faith

  • Keep your body close to God
  • The face of God is lost, and found in Paradise
  • Let your footprint sanct the earth
  • Invite to faith
  • Build your sanctum
  • Light the night


Keep your body close to God

You should take care of your body by eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise, and avoiding harmful substances. Followers should use their bodies to do good in the world, such as by helping others and volunteering their time to worthy causes.

The face of God is lost, and found in Paradise

The true nature of God is beyond comprehension. However, followers of the Kindle of Grey can find a glimpse of God's love and compassion in the beauty of the natural world and in the kindness of others.

Let your footprint sanct the earth

Interpreted as leaving every place better than you found it. By traversing somewhere, you must respect the place you wander.

Invite to faith

Spread the word of God, and show how their lives can be better for it.

Build your sanctum

Your place in the world is important to take care of, and followers should take part in the building of their home, decoration of their first own room and so on.

Light the night

When things seem dark, light that darkness for those around you.

To pure of hearts

Kindle of Grey
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Kindle of Grey symbol on a medallion.
Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Grey
Kindled, Of the Torch
Leader Title
Permeated Organizations

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom