Uglu Species in Rebia | World Anvil
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I was on the path toward an old mining town to visit a friend, when I suddenly took a wrong turn. The path grew harder to traverse, and the air itself seemed to grow thick and dry. And suddenly; there they were, as still as the earth. They were standing beside a circle of stones, surrounding a large geode that seemed to defy gravity as it floated soundlessly in the air. I took a deep bow and left the guardians, those as old as the mountains themselves.
— Gallivanter
    The Uglu and Ulu are ancient primordial beings with a deep connection to the earth. They are guardians and keepers of important sanctuaries in nature. Not much is recorded about their societal structure or civilization since they mostly keep to secluded spaces hidden deep in the wilderness.

Basic Information


The Uglu body is made up of different minerals, and takes on loosely humanoid shapes. Some have limbs that connect to the body, and others seem to have extremities that defy gravity.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Uglu has excellent tremorsense and seems to rely on innate arcane abilities to perceive their surroundings.
Depiction of the Uglu


Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom