Ulu Species in Rebia | World Anvil
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  A mercenary once visited a newly founded logging site for work. The loggers had set up a reward for capturing a monster that was destroying their stock. As the mercenary staked out at dusk, they saw an Ulu marching in a rhythmic pattern through the camp. With each step it took, moss and plantlife took hold of the newly cut logs. A mourning march for the sacred glade the loggers had felled. I wish I could say that the mercenary mourned with the Ulu, and let it rebuild the glade. Unfortunately, this was but one more tree to fell in the loggers' eyes.
— Gallivanter
    The Ulu and Uglu are ancient primordial beings with a deep connection to the earth. They are guardians and keepers of important sanctuaries in nature. Not much is recorded about their societal structure or civilization since they mostly keep to secluded spaces hidden deep in the wilderness.

Basic Information


The Ulu body is made up of what looks like vines, bark, and different plants. They take on loosely humanoid shapes.
Depiction of the Ulu


Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom