Bes Democracy Organization in Rebia | World Anvil
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Bes Democracy

Bes is located on and just north of the equator, with temperatures ranging from 3° to 39°C. Nearly every biome can be found in Bes, from wetlands, to hot deserts and glaciers.  


8th to 14th in the month of Frosmeet is dedicated to Election Week. In addition to elections being held, various celebrations occur throughout the land, especially in the capital Bin. Debates, feasts and games are common.
Marqes is celebrated in Frosmeet on the 24th, in honor of the first Father President Marqas TaTemahu.


Bes is a democracy with an elected head of state and government, the Father or Mother President. It has a parliament consisting of several representatives from the Yellow and Red party, collaborating to lift the opinions of the people and the parties to the President.


The democracy as we know it today is around 3000 years old. The focus on scholarly knowledge, philosophical theories and the nature of civilisation along with early conflicts with the Shalehal Theocracy shaped Bes into a nation where religion doesn't play a large part in its governing.

Demography and Population

Roand and Lothie are the most common cultures.


There is no official state religion, and there is religious freedom. In the capital and other larger settlements there are almost no temples, and religious folk are few. Instead, many in the Bes population rever ancestors and take great pride(or shame) in their ancestry.

Foreign Relations

Sadres is the protectorate of Bes.

Trade & Transport

Import Export
  • Bes is one of the largest exporters of firearms, and the only nation to produce silk for export.


Bes architecture is recognizable by its geometrical shapes, minimalism and valved doorways
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


Bes clothing favours modern and comfortable cuts with checkered patterns mixed in. Carefully tailored fits in coordinated colours are also common, taking inspiration from the military.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


Longer, loose-fitting tunics with tailored sleeves and pants are popular. The hair is almost always worn up, or with a matching hat and decorated braids.


Military uniforms are camouflaged with colours varying depending on the biome, paired with a sailor hat or pith helmet with the Bes emblem.

Progress, Power, Peace

Bes Democracy
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Founding Date
2005 BU
Alternative Names
Best, The Ladys' hate, Red and Yellow
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Unitary state
Major Exports
  • Firearms
  • Silk
  • Livestock
  • Horsehair
  • Grain
  • Lead
Major Imports
  • Iron
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Copper
  • Oil
Legislative Body
The parliament puts forth laws and rules to a vote together with the President, but even if one has passed, it can be vetoed by the court if it goes against the democratic values of the nation.
Judicial Body
The judicial body consists of a hierarchy of courts. It works independently from parliament and the President.
Executive Body
The President leads the executive branch as head of state and government. The parliament has 100 seats, divided among the Yellow and Red parties equally.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Character flag image: by Public domain