Kingdom of Björnhöjd Organization in Rebia | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Björnhöjd

Björnhöjd is mostly located on the equator, with the exception of the southernmost parts, and the islands north of Toldero. Temperatures range from 10° to 36°C. Savanna cover most of the nation, with tropical rainforests and temperate seasonal forests in the northern parts. Where the equator is located, hot deserts dominate.


The elected king is recognized as the head of state with the executive rule advised by a council. There are separate legislative and judicial domains in the provinces. Examples of these are seneschals, captains and earls.


Björnhöjd was founded a little over 2000 years ago after the Yatenn were pushed back. Forces led by the first King in Black managed to secure key defence positions in the north, holding back the enemies from invading further south. This ensured the prosperity of the nation of Björnhöjd as a united kingdom. Thanks to its prosperous metal trade and ship manufacturing, Björnhöjds army can keep its soldiers well-trained and equipped.

Demography and Population

Indar and Queni are the most common cultures.


Björnhöjd has no official state religion, and is polytheistic.

Trade & Transport

Import Export
  • Björnhöjd is the largest exporter of metals, primarily copper. It is also one of the primary makers of ships in the world.


Björnhöjd architecture is recognisable by its wooden panels and gable roofs. In the regions closer to the desert, stone, brick, and mortar-constructions are more common.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


Björnhöjd clothing is often structural and quilted, with woven patterns and thick decorated borders.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


Long tunics, or a poncho paired with billowing pants or wrapped skirts are common.


Military uniforms always consist of a hat with a brim for shade. A thick protective robe is tied at the waist, and arms and shins are wrapped for ease of movement.

By the sword

Kingdom of Björnhöjd
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Founding Date
1240 BU
Alternative Names
Bears, Highlands, Godlands
Leader Title
Major Exports
  • Metals
  • Silver
  • Copper
  • Ships
Major Imports
  • Gold
  • Oil
  • Textiles
  • Medicine
Legislative Body
The legislative body is made up of two chambers: The Upper House and The Lower House. The Upper house is made up of wealthy landowners and nobles, while the lower house is made up of representatives from the towns and cities.
Judicial Body
Most provinces have their own court, and judges often work in more than one province. If a matter is severe and of concern for the whole nation, it may be lifted to the King in Black and their council that have the final say.
Executive Body
The elected king has the executive rule, with a council advising them in decisions.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Character flag image: by Public domain