Shalehal Theocracy Organization in Rebia | World Anvil
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Shalehal Theocracy

Shalehal is located in the south, with half the lands covering the equator and the rest due south. Temperatures range from -5° to 25°C. Grassland cover most of the nation, with temperate rainforests and temperate deciduous forests along the coast and on the westernmost border. The northern mountain regions consist of glaciers and cold deserts.


God is recognized as the supreme ruling authority, giving divine guidance to intermediaries who manage the government's daily affairs. The Legate Chosen is the highest rank in the government, with assigned High Priests governing the different provinces.


~4000 years since its founding, Shalehal is an old nation with traditions and government practices running far back in history. A monotheistic society, Shalehal has always been governed by the clergy, even if the form that takes has changed throughout the centuries.

Demography and Population

Rulan and Queni are the most common cultures.

Trade & Transport

Import Export


Shalehal architecture is recognizable by its intricate spires, decorated windows, and stonework.


Shalehal clothing uses a lot of natural linen, and fabric dyed in deep reds and browns. To decorate and accessorize, leathers, beadwork and metallic embroidery are used.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


Long gowns, sleeves and capes are common. Often paired with a hat, mask or veil.


Military uniforms consist primarily of the metal or padded armour used in crusades, but for those that need more mobility, leathers and fabrics in the colours of the nation are used.

Faith grants us strength

Shalehal Theocracy
Founding Date
3010 BU
Alternative Names
Land of the Divine Prime, Shalelands
Leader Title
Major Exports
  • Iron
  • Fish
  • Ships
  • Livestock
Major Imports
  • Medicine
  • Fruit
  • Paper
  • Textiles
Legislative Body
The legislative body of Shalehal is unicameral, consisting of 10 clergymen appointed by the Legate Chosen. The laws of the nation haven't changed much since its founding and are rarely challenged.
Judicial Body
Prime's judgement is carried out by appointed judges in court, with the Prime Faith tenets as its foundation.
Executive Body
God is recognized as the supreme ruling authority, with the Legate Chosen acting out the will of God in executive decisions. The provinces have High Priests governing them. depending on the size or importance of the province, one High Priest might be responsible for several provinces.
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Character flag image: by Public domain