The Prime Faith Organization in Rebia | World Anvil
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The Prime Faith

A monotheistic religion with the majority of followers living in or around Shalehal Theocracy land. It shares its belief in an all-powerful single God with the religion Kindle of Grey that started as a branch of the Prime Faith and later founded Hauls Theocracy.The people of the Shalehal Theocracy and other followers of the Prime Faith believe in an almighty god of creation, Prime.  


Lose-A Lonlo, meaning 14, is the 14 day long fast leading up to St Sachas. Starting on the first Lunday of Greyset, it is a time of reflection and prayer in honour of Prime. The 2 week long fast has strict rules for what can and can't be consumed, and what sort of work is allowed to be done. It is frowned upon to do anything that might be considered excessive, and many who have their birthdays during this week choose to move the date outside of Lose-A Lonlo to be able to celebrate it. Even those who don't usually visit church for mass do it every day during these weeks.
St. Sachas celebrates the first Legate Chosen: Saint Sacha Delolenn and also marks the end of the fast on the last day of Lose-A Lonlo. The last day of the fast ends with a large feast, and gifts are exchanged with friends and family. Large spires are constructed and decorated with lights to represent ascenscion to Paradise. Smaller spires are put up inside homes where presents are put in and around it. In smaller communities, the celebrations are often communal and priests of the faith visit homes to bless the families. Portraits and other smaller artworks in Sacha Delolenns' likeness are common.


In Shalehal Theocracy it is the state religion and holder of the title Legate Chosen rules the nation. In other parts of the world, Leaders of the Prime Faith are called Legates.

Cosmological Views

Prime created the Rulan, Indar, Dayl, and Roand people in its image. Other ancestries are consider stemming from lesser beasts. Paradise awaits the true and worthy followers, this world is a trial for the people to determine their worth.

Tenets of Faith

  • Keep your body close to God
  • Be steadfast in trial
  • If you have a hand, take that of those astray and lead them
  • The face of God is lost, and found in Paradise


Keep your body close to God

Most commonly interpreted as taking care of your body and presenting yourself well. It is also a motivator for the orthodox to minimize interactions and especially relations with those who carry signs of Lesse, Lothie, Eldayr, Sarva and Queni ancestries.

Be steadfast in trial

When facing hardships, or finding yourself burdened in life in any way, it is part of Gods trial for its faithful.

If you have a hand, take that of those astray and lead them

This is often used as a motivation for philanthropy, altruism and general charity. It has historically been the tenet motivating crusades and convertions.

The face of God is lost, and found in Paradise

Followers shouldn't try to paint Gods likeness. This results in altars, temples and the likes being decorated with abstract art, or showing other important figures in the history of the faith.


Sacred spirit, Liberate me of my darkness, bring light to my darkened soul. I put my fate in your hands so I may walk in your steps once more.
Our Prime, bringer of all that's good. Illuminate me with your soul so I might soothe my inner turmoil. In your eternal presence, o eternal light. Grace me with your sacred touch.

Eternal Prime

The Prime Faith
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
The Prime Faith symbol on a medallion
Religious, Organised Religion
Followers of the Faith, Faithful
Leader Title
Permeated Organizations

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom