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Esrolian Military

Esrolia is a civilized matriarchy ruled by queens. Although primarily rural and agricultural, it has a large urban population and is a great center of trade.

Esrolian armies consist of local militia and a standing army of professional soldiers. The local militias are free men armed with whatever they can provide and organized by clan. The professional soldiers are led by soldier-priests of Argan Argar. Mercenaries are common in Esrolia, including Humakti swordsmen, Babeester Gor axe women, Caladralander spearmen, Sartarite skirmishers and thanes, trolls from the Shadow Plateau, and even Westerners.

The Irillo Hundreds

Every Esrolian city, town or village settled or resettled from Nochet has a local defensive militia called the Irillo Hundreds. A given Irillo Hundred is grouped around approximately one hundred households. The Hundred is geographically but not necessarily kinship based. Whilst most rural Hundreds use weapons they might use to hunt or defend their herds, urban Hundreds are often better equipped with weapons made specifically for war; some even have swords.

The Hundreds fight under the command of their chosen leader and under the divine protection of the Irillo cult, or sometimes another one of the Noble Brothers. The leaders are usually well equipped with bronze scale and a sword.

Nochet has eight such militia regiments, each raised from a particular district of the city, though occasionally incorporating an ethnic or status group. They consist of two regiments of heavy cavalry (the well-trained Golden Racers from the Nolerian district, and the largely untrained levy that is the Green Horses from Dearno), five regiments of heavy infantry (four regular units: the Blackpoints of Deresagar, the Copper Axe of Tendayvora, the Rain Blades of Old Helamta, and the Flamespears of Kalava; and the levy of Sarli that comprises the Wild Ones), and one regiment of light infantry (the Quick Arrows from Tershis).

The local free men bring what weapons and armor they own or their house provides (in accordance with their regiment): usually axe, spear and shield, or bow, sling, or javelin. In emergencies, the cities traditionally provide a shield, leather helmet, club or spear for those too poor to provide their own. It is considered a sign of a poor House if they cannot meet their obligation of militiamen or adequately equip them.

The Hundreds of North March and Longsi Land are famed as skirmishers and slingers and often invoke Hedkoranth as their guardian War God.

House Guards

Esrolia is a densely-populated, heavily farmed land ruled by a number of clans headed by a matriarch called the Grandmother. The Grandmothers form a council which selects a High Queen. Though Orlanthi, they are heavily Earth-oriented and urbanized.

Each Esrolian franchised House or clan has its own band of House Guards. These bands are equipped and led as per the traditions and resources of the House. They are fanatically loyal to the house and serve only them, not in the army.

The Kimantorings

The Kimantorings of Nochet serve outside the walls of the city. They are professional soldiers led by soldier-priests of Argan Argar. Drums and horns are used to convey orders to the troops.

Formed in the Darkness to fight Chaos, they still obey Kimantor’s Orders on how to discover, avoid, report, and fight Chaos.


The mercenary tradition is well established in Esrolia. In the Dawn Age the Grandmothers’ Council often hired warriors to protect their land when the regular army was away fighting in Peloria. Afterwards, some Grandmothers complained that their local forces “lacked the incentive to learn the arts of war, and were constantly beaten by smaller armies.” In such cases mercenaries were hired again. Their effectiveness insured their durability.

These are not permanent standing armies, although some have a nearly permanent contract with the rulers. Between employments the mercenaries are dismissed by their leaders, and hired again as needed.

Some mercenary units are well established and respected in Esrolia. Most revolve around a single war entity, but a number have mixed troops.

Among the permanent mercenaries are Humakti Swords, Babeester Gor axe women, Caladralander spearmen, and Hedkoranth slingers. In times of need other mercenaries are regularly employed. In addition to the types mentioned, mercenaries can include Heortling weaponthanes, trolls from the Shadow Plateau or even Rokari knights from the Trader Princes or beyond.

Shadow Plateau

Shadow Plateau armies are troll in nature. Their trollkin spearmen and slingers are legendary for their discipline and few can confront the ferocious charge of dark and great trolls. They fight at night and attempt to ambush their foes.

Humakti Battalion

This elite mercenary regiment is maintained by the Humakt temple of Nochet, which is situated beside the Storm Gate, and has barracks next to the temple.

They fight with swords and are fanatically brave. The battalion is very expensive to hire but always fulfills its contracts.

Queendom of Esrolia
Organization | Aug 26, 2024

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