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Queendom of Esrolia

Esrolia is a civilized queendom in the Holy Country. Esrolian families are matrilineal and ruled by matriarchs. It is densely populated; “too dense,” say many. The residents here are mostly farmers worshiping Ernalda the Earth Mother and her family. The Mother here has many lovers, although Orlanth is her husband and her favorite. Barntar is the most popular men’s god.

Although Esrolia is primarily rural and agricultural, it has a large urban population and is a great center of trade. Esrolia has powerful mercantile interests and its ships travel to far-off distant ports. Esrolian architects, artists, crafters, healers, and scribes are among the greatest in Glorantha.


The Esrolians are civilized, curious, luxurious, and sensual. Their styles set the standard for status for many lands, including Dragon Pass. They are cosmopolitan, with knowledge of many distant realms. They tend to refrain from martial pursuits, preferring to hire mercenaries. Esrolian women are proud, ambitious, devious, and very practical. Men are emotional, loyal, reckless, and quarrelsome.

Common Attitudes

Esrolians are loyal to their kin, their cities, and their queen. They believe women make better rulers than men. Esrolians revere the Earth goddesses, and Ernalda especially. They dislike war, and favor negotiation over open conflict.


The government of Esrolia consists of several ruling families of women who vie for dominance over the others and who usually maintain an uneasy but peaceful alliance. Queens, who are also High Priestesses of Ernalda, rule the cities; the queen of Nochet is traditionally titled Queen of Esrolia.

The current Queen of Esrolia, Samastina, overthrew her pro-Lunar predecessor, Hendira, in a coup in 1622. She uses her wealth and charms to gain allies, including the late King Broyan of Whitewall and Argrath White Bull. By 1625 she secured her queendom from the Lunar Empire, the Pure Horse People, and the Western Barbarians. The raids and piracy of her former ally Harrek the Berserk and his Wolf Pirates are now her biggest threat, as they threaten the ocean trade that is the source of Nochet's wealth.

Military Traditions

Kimantorings, Irillo Hundreds, Mercenaries, Triremes, Marines.


Esrolia is the home of the Earth goddesses. Ernalda the Earth Mother is the patron deity of Esrolia. Most free women are initiated into the Ernalda cult. Esrolia is home to numerous great temples to Ernalda and other Earth goddesses, including vast temple complexes at Ezel and Nochet.

Ernalda took many husbands and lovers; all are worshiped in Esrolia. Orlanth is foremost and most important, but Argan Argar, Flamal, Lodril, Magasta, Storm Bull, and even Yelmalio are worshiped here (although not always by those names).

Esrolia is home to great temples for many normally minor deities, including Chalana Arroy, Issaries, Lhankor Mhy, and other Orlanthi deities. There are even temples to foreign cults such as the Invisible God.


Esrolia is a sub-tropical region. The temperature and precipitation of Nochet is presented as an example. Nochet is in the rain shadow of the Vent and the Caladraland ranges, and as a result it receives less rain than Dragon Pass.


  • Esrolia
Esrolian Military
Generic article | Aug 25, 2024

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