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Cultural Rune Modifiers: Fire/Light or Air Rune +5%; Earth Rune +5%.

Common Background Occupations: Bandit, Crafter, Entertainer, Farmer, Healer, Herder, Hunter, Merchant, Noble, Priest, Scribe, and Warrior. Fishers are found along the few larger rivers. Thieves only appear in Hilltown, Hortugarth, and New Lolon. Shamans are rare.

Cultural Skills: Ride (any) +5%, Dance +5%, Sing +10%, Speak Own (Imtherian) (50), Speak Other (Lunar) +10%, Customs (Imtherian) (25), Farm +10%, Herd +15%, Spirit Combat +15%, Track +10%

Cultural Weapons: Dagger +10%, Battle Axe +10%, 1H Spear +15%, Broadsword +10%, Composite Bow or Sling +10%, Javelin +10%, Medium Shield +15%, Large Shield +10%

Laramite, Wilktar, or Afothar Tribes

You are a member of one of the tribal clans of Imther occupying the southern and western hills (including the cities of Hilltown, Hortugarth, and New Lolon), though many Lunar veterans have settled among you. You are courageous, loyal, and proud; your honor and hospitality are vital, and “violence is always an option” if provoked. Your folk are farmers, herders and cheesemakers, and owe obligations and tribute to the Empire.

Base Passions: Love (family): 60%, Loyalty (clan): 60%, Loyalty (tribe): 60%.

Note: the three tribes are long-time rivals and distrust each other, yet may also unite against common foes.

Common Cults: Barntar, Eiritha, Conquering Daughter, Ernalda [Nealda], Humakt, Seven Mothers, Yelmalio [Khelmal]; Babeester Gor, Chalana Arroy, Etyries, Eurmal [Orlantio], Issaries, Lhankor Mhy, Lokarnos [Alakarma].

Suggested Occupations: Crafter, Farmer, Herder, Merchant, Noble, Priest, Scribe, Warrior.

Mountain Clans

You are a member of one of the clans of Imther occupying the mountainous highlands. You are independent, aloof, and proud, upholding old traditions; your honor and vigilance are well-known. You are shrewd with long memory, and you respond with violence when least expected. You know the secret paths through the mountains and how to use the mountains to your advantage. Your folk are stonecutters and laborers, herders and cheesemakers.

Base Passions: Love (family): 60%, Loyalty (clan): 60%, Loyalty (King of Imther): 60%

Common Cults: Eiritha, Ernalda [Nealda], Orlanth, Seven Mothers, Valind, Yelmalio [Khelmal]; Babeester Gor, Chalana Arroy, Conquering Daughter, Etyries, Eurmal [Orlantio], Foundchild [Gordaval], Humakt, Issaries, Lhankor Mhy, Lokarnos [Alakarma], Polaris.

Suggested Occupations: Crafter, Herder, Hunter, Noble, Priest, Warrior.

Eastern Wilds Clans

You are a member of one of the wild clans of wooded eastern Imther who are staunchly independent— “no one can make you do anything.” You are independent and proud, and hold odd traditions and taboos as demanded by your spirit allies. You are like the wild: you are shrewd and vengeful, striking when least expected. You know how to hunt, to find the secret paths through the eastern wilds to survive, to get the aid of the local spirits, and you have done so since you were a child. Your folk are hunters and gatherers tending small gardens and livestock in and around the fortified steads, but ever ready to disappear into woods and shadow as needed.

Base Passions: Love (family): 60%, Loyalty (clan): 60%, Hate (authority): 60%

Common Cults: Eiritha, Ernalda, Odayla, Orlanth, Yelmalio [Khelmal]; Babeester Gor, Chalana Arroy, Eurmal, Foundchild [Gordaval], Humakt, Issaries, Lokarnos [Alakarma], Norian [spirit cults].

Suggested Occupations: Bandit, Crafter, Herder, Hunter, Noble, Priest, Warrior.

Sun Dome Templar

You are a member of Kareiston's Temple, one of the ancient Sun Domes of Saird. You follow Yelmalio and are proud, pious, and honest, and though suspicious of the clans around you, you know their laws and provide judgment and justice for them. You know how to fight with your weapons as part of the famed Sun Dome regiment including the distinctive two-handed spear with shield or with the bow. Your folk are farmers and herders.

Base Passions: Loyalty (Sun Dome Temple): 70%, Love (family): 60%, Loyalty (King of Imther): 60%

Common Cults: Eiritha, Ernalda [Nealda], Seven Mothers, Yelmalio; Babeester Gor, Chalana Arroy, Etyries, Eurmal [Orlantio], Issaries, Lhankor Mhy, Lokarnos [Alakarma].

Suggested Occupations: Crafter, Farmer, Healer, Herder, Noble, Priest, Scribe, Warrior.

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