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Lunar Tarshite

Lunar Tarsh

The strip along the Oslir River from Furthest to the Temple of the Reaching Moon is densely settled with colonists from the Lunar Heartlands. Most have been there several generations, the descendants of those granted land by King Phargentes. They speak New Pelorian as their primary language, although many speak Tarshite as well.


The Lunars of Tarsh are arrogant lowlanders who worship foreign gods and tolerate Chaos. They consider themselves superior and more civilized than the other peoples of Dragon Pass, having adopted many of the trappings of Dara Happan civilization. The Lunars are ruthless, ambitious, and lust for power, without a concern for the consequences.

Common Attitudes

Much of the urban population of Lunar Tarsh is culturally akin to that of the Lunar Heartlands. They have a hereditary Lunar nobility that rules over peasant clans that maintain many of their old Orlanthi traditions. The nobles are loyal to the Red Emperor and are initiated into Lunar cults (typically the Seven Mothers) at adulthood.

Maize is a staple crop in the Lunar settlements around Furthest and the Temple of the Reaching Moon.


The King of Tarsh serves as the High Priest of the Seven Mothers, commander-in-chief, and chief judge for the tribes and cities of Tarsh. He governs with the assistance of a small council (or “ring”) of eminent Tarshites, which typically includes his advisors, royal companions, important cult leaders, generals, and representatives of the cities. The king is served by royal scribes of the Irrippi Ontor cult (who have marginalized the scribes of the Lhankor Mhy temples).

Until recently, Fazzur Wideread was the most powerful noble in Tarsh and second only to the king. The uncle of King Pharandros, holding the imperial offices of Provincial General and Governor-General of Dragon Pass, Fazzur was a valued counselor and loyal supporter of his nephew. However, in early 1622, the Red Emperor removed Fazzur from his imperial offices. Although Fazzur remained the king’s preeminent general, King Pharandros attempted to assassinate Fazzur’s most powerful supporters in 1625, while the general was fighting in Sartar. The king failed and Fazzur has returned to his family lands on Kordros with many armed supporters. Fazzur now rules much of Kordros Island without regard for decrees coming from Furthest.

Tarsh in Flames

Lunar Tarsh is in an undeclared civil war between the supporters of King Pharandros and those of Fazzur Wideread. Both sides are casting about for allies in the rest of Dragon Pass, and as a result, it is entirely possible to see Lunar Tarshites (from either side of the conflict) cooperating with former enemies in Sartar or Prax. Religious differences between the Seven Mothers and Orlanth cults can be put aside for this internecine feud.


In Lunar Tarsh, the Seven Mothers is the state cult. Hon-eel is the patron goddess of the ruling royal dynasty and her temple enjoys many privileges throughout Tarsh. Yanafal Tarnils is the war god for the Native Tarsh Corps, and Irrippi Ontor is the god of the royal scribes. Hwarin Dalthippa is another popular Lunar war goddess. The cults of the Red Goddess and Yara Aranis are centered on the Temple of the Reaching Moon; although these two cults are very small, they are very powerful, both magically and politically.

Although the cult of Orlanth has been proscribed by the Lunar rulers (with mixed success), Ernalda and Barntar are still the most popular cults and worshiped by most farmers. Humakt is the primary war god.

There are two Sun Dome Temples of the Yelmalio cult in Tarsh. Other Fire cults such as Yelm (for nobles) and Lodril (for commoners) are popular in the Lunar settlements.

The King of Tarsh presides over sacrifices to these new gods as well as to the traditional gods of the Lightbringer and Earth pantheons; however, the Lunar kings never make sacrifices to Orlanth.


At about 750 meters of elevation, Furthest is the southernmost Pelorian lowland city. For over a century, the annual Lunar Kalikos Expedition has moderated the harsh winters. Prior to that time, the winter lows were about 6° C colder than now and regularly got over two meters of snow.

Pelorian derived Culture.

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