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At the Dawn and for the First Age, Kethaela and Dragon Pass were known as the Shadowlands, ruled by Ezkankekko the Only Old One from his Palace of Black Glass. All paid him the Shadow Tribute in exchange for magical and military support.

The Only Old One founded a standing army named the Kimantorings during the Darkness to take the fight against Chaos, originally as his household warriors.

The Kimantorings were professional soldiers led by Ezkankekko’s representative in Nochet, part of the overarching military command of the Unity; in the Darkness officers were usually trolls from the Shadow Plateau. Later, the Kimantorings were the Kitori army.

They called upon the terrible Darkness powers in war, and worshiped the dread deities Humakt, Babeester Gor and Zorak Zoran. They were skilled slingers, and the elite among them bore bronze scale mail and helmet, a large shield, a spear, and an axe or sword.

The Kimantorings originally fought outside Esrolia.

In the Dawn Age they were led by Lord Demon of Death deep into Peloria. Theyvora the Axe commanded them as part of the Unity Council Army of Defense when they were defeated by the Great Army of Restraint at the Battle of Night and Day. They later fought for Arkat and followed Arkat the Troll into Dorastor.

The Only Old One and the Heortlings opposed the false god Gbaji, but were defeated at the Battle of Night and Day in 379. Kethaela was conquered by the Broken Council’s forces and placed under the rule of Palangio the Iron Vrok, a cruel warrior backed up by terrible magic. Despite great efforts, Palangio never succeeded in destroying the Only Old One and his Palace of Black Glass.

Arkat Humaktsson came from the West and defeated Palangio in Slontos, liberating Esrolia in 433. The Hero reinstated the Only Old One as the ruler of the Shadowlands.

The Hendrikings rebelled in the following century; in 578 the Orlanthi Hero Hardros Hardslaughter killed the Only Old One and when he returned from Death forced him to renounce his tribute and the old obligations.

The Kimantorings were separated from the Shadow Plateau’s command with the ranking lord, the Kimantor of Nochet, being their commander. Troops drafted from across the land were sent to Nochet as permanent soldiers. They served for 25 years, and on retirement receiving grants of land provided by the Grandmothers’ Council, usually in frontier lands. These settlements are the so-called “soldier clans” along the borders.

The Shadowlands continued their political existence through the next five centuries, gradually losing territory in the south to the Middle Sea Empire which established colonies in the Islands and God Forgot, and in the north to the growing power of what evolved to become the Empire of the Wyrms Friends.

In 940 the Closing shut Kethaela off from the seas, beginning Nochet’s long decline, and the Hendrikings seized parts of Esrolia.

The Hendriki attempted to take Nochet in 1050 by treachery, initiating the terrible Adjustment Wars between Esrolia and the Hendriki. That same year, the Devastation of the Vent wreaked havoc on Caladraland and Esrolia. Esrolia was so weakened that the Hendrikings conquered most of the land except the fading city of Nochet. The Only Old One was powerless to prevent his ancient allies tearing themselves apart.

In 1313, Belintar the Stranger swam ashore and revealed that he had come to depose the Only Old One and liberate the land from Darkness. Five years later he met the Only Old One in combat and cast him down.

Hero Light

The head of a heroic Kimantoring warrior might have an aura of shadows.

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