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1539-1544: During the Dragon newt's dream...
  • My Ancestor's Phantom traversed the landscape.
  • It might also have been me.
  • Partook in the Dragon newt's dance
  • Dragged a human (Pasta's anscetor) to make 'em partake in the dance, incidentally cursing them with lefthandenism.

  • 1546: Missed the Kidnapping (of someone)

    1551-1564: Partook in the Trollkiller War
  • Fought for Tarkalor
  • Survived, but gained Fear (Trolls)
  • 1561: Reborn

  • 1565-1577: During the Orldaging War
  • Was an initial casualty that set off the ward
  • Hates Rival Tribe
  • Missed War because dead
  • 1571: Reborn

  • 1575: A Normal Year (In Sartar, +10% Occupation Skill)
    1582: Missed the battle at Grizzly Peak
    1583-1590: Events in Sartar
  • Cattle raid from neighboring clan, killed killer (+10 Honor)

  • 1591: Sartar Invasion
  • Looting the Pillaged remains of Far Place

  • 1597: A Normal Year (In Sartar)
    1600: A Normal Year (In Sartar, +10% Occupation Skill)
    1602: Assisted Humans in the Boldhome Campaign
    1602: Died in battle, gained honor
    1603: Reborn
    1603-1604: Resettle in New Pavis, but stayed Sartarurite
    1605: A Normal Year (In New Pavis).
    1608: A Normal Year (In New Pavis).
    1609: A Normal Year (In New Pavis).
    1610: Moved back to Sartar & Died of illness
    1610: Reborn
    1611: A Normal Year (In Sartar)
    1613: Fought in Starbrow's Rebellion & Aided Kallyr Starbrow to escape.
    1614: Fought for Duck Rights, killed rival clanners, Lunarites had to step in.
    1615: A Normal Year (In Sartar)
    1616: A Normal Year (In Sartar) & The Pirates
    1618: A Normal Year (In Sartar) & Missed the Viking Rape Train
    1619: Fought in the Hendriking Campaign, died just short of great glory
    1619: Reborn.
    1620: A Normal Year (In Sartar)
    1621: Survived the first year of The Great Winter
    1622: Fought in the Civil War in Esrolia & Pillaged the Red Earth supporters.
    1623: Befriended a Duck (Duck friend!)
    1624: A Normal Year (In Sartar with Duck Friend)
    1625: Participated in the Liberation of Pavis
    1625: Almost killed and temporarily driven insane because of Lunar Demons, when hanging out with Praxians raiding our Lunar Temple in Dragon Pass, thus hate!

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