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Kingdom of Sartar

The Kingdom of Sartar is the epicenter of the Hero Wars. Its eponymous founder united the lawless tribes that lived as exiles and organized them into a unified principality. After marrying the Feathered Horse Queen, Sartar was named King, and Sartar began a rapid growth to power and prestige.

Sartar was occupied by the Lunar Empire for a generation, but overthrew Lunar rule in 1625.

The Sartar Homeland also includes the Hendriki of Whitewall, even though they have never been ruled by the Princes of Sartar.

Short History

Sartar unified the tribes in eastern Dragon Pass in 1490 and married the Feathered Horse Queen in 1495. Under Sartar’s rule, the people turned from pillage to trade. Sartar and the Feathered Horse Queen set up tax posts, temples, and treasuries. Sartar built roads and forts to protect the farmers and traders from trolls and nomads. He and his heirs fostered literacy, experimentation, and culture.

In 1602, the Lunar Empire invaded the kingdom and sacked Boldhome. The royal house resisted vigorously and, due to this, received Hero status posthumously. Agents and assassins hunted the survivors across the world.

After a generation of sporadic rebellions against Lunar domination, the Empire attempted to eradicate the cult of Orlanth (the patron god of the hill tribes). Instead of Dragon Pass being pacified, Sartar erupted in rebellion. In 1625, desperate heroquesters raised a True Dragon that destroyed the Lunar Army and its priests. Kallyr Starbrow, the rebel warleader, liberated Boldhome and proclaimed herself Prince of Sartar. Sartar is now free of the Lunar Occupation.


Sartarites are quarrelsome, reckless, and fiercely independent. Men are emotional, often violently passionate, with swiftly shifting opinions and feelings. Women are cunning, practical, and vengeful. Sartarites are devoted to Orlanth and Ernalda, and hate the Lunar Empire with a burning passion.

Common Attitudes

Sartarites are loyal to their clan above all, and are devoted to their gods, especially to Orlanth who is the patron of the kingdom. They hate the Lunar Empire, and are willing to ally with non-humans and even dragons to fight against it.


Sartar is divided into more than a score of tribes—federations of clans each led by a tribal king and council. Feuds are common between clans and sometimes result in tribal warfare. Each city leads a confederation of tribes. The cities and tribes are united by the Prince of Sartar, who serves as High Priest of Orlanth Rex, commander-in-chief, and arbitrates disputes between the tribes.

The current Prince is Kallyr Starbrow, and her rule is in its infancy. Though she has not yet lit the Flame of Sartar, most of the tribes acknowledge her.


Orlanth is the patron god of the Kingdom of Sartar. Most free males are initiated into the Orlanth cult. Sartar is home to two great temples to Orlanth: Boldhome (founded by King Sartar), and the Hill of Orlanth Victorious where Orlanth (and later, Harmast Barefoot) began his Lightbringers’ Quest.

The most popular cult is that of Ernalda the Earth Queen, wife of Orlanth. Most free women are initiated into the Ernalda cult. Every clan has a minor temple to Ernalda and many tribes have a major temple. Barntar, son of Orlanth and Ernalda, is a popular agricultural god.

The other gods of the Lightbringers pantheon are worshiped by most Sartarites, and a sizeable minority is initiated into their cults. Lhankor Mhy, Issaries, Humakt, and Chalana Arroy are the most significant. Trickster cults, once forbidden and practiced in secret, are now out in the open, and Eurmal is publicly worshiped.

A small minority belongs to the Yelmalio cult, although most Yelmalio cultists reside in the semi-autonomous tributary state, the Sun Dome County.

Odayla and Yinkin are small cults, with rarely more than a few worshipers in a single clan.


Sartar has many microclimates due to its hills, valleys, and snow-capped mountains. Eastern Sartar is drier than western Sartar. The temperature and precipitation of Clearwine, in the Colymar tribal lands, is presented here. Its elevation is approximately 850 meters.


  • Sartar

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