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Passions: Hate (Chaos) 60%, Love (family) 60%, Loyalty (tribe) 60%

Elemental Runes:
  • Bison Rider: Air Rune +10%
  • High Llama: Water Ruin +10%
  • Impala Rider: Fire/Sky Rune +10%
  • Pol Rider: Air Rune +10%
  • Sable Rider: Moon Rune +10%

Cultural Skills:
All Praxians start with Speak Own Language (Praxian) (50) and Speak Other Language (Tradetalk) at +10%. All Praxians get +10% to Survival. Praxians get additional skills depending on their tribe:

  • Bison Rider: Ride (Bison) +35%, Customs (Bison Tribe) (25), Herd +30%, Peaceful Cut +15%, Spirit Combat +20%
  • High Llama: Ride (High Llama) +35%, Customs (High Llama Tribe) (25), Herd +30%, Peaceful Cut +15%, Spirit Combat +20%
  • Impala Rider: Ride (Impala) +35%, Customs (Impala Tribe) (25), Herd +30%, Peaceful Cut +15%, Spirit Combat +20%
  • Pol Rider: Ride (Horse) +35%, Customs (Pol-Joni) (25), Herd +30%, Peaceful Cut +15%, Spirit Combat +20%
  • Sable Rider: Ride (Sable Antelope) +35%, Customs (Sable Tribe) (25), Herd +30%, Peaceful Cut +15%, Spirit Combat +20%

Cultural Weapons:
  • Bison Rider: Dagger +10%, Lance +15%, Broadsword +10%, Javelin +10%, Medium Shield +10%
  • High Llama: Dagger +10%. Lance +15%, 2H Dagger-Axe +10%, Pole Lasso +10%
  • Impala Rider: Dagger +5%, Shortsword +10%, Composite Bow +20%, Dart +10%, Small Shield +10%
  • Pol Rider: Dagger +10%, Lance +10%, Broadsword +15%, Composite Bow +10%, Medium Shield +15%
  • Sable Rider: Dagger +10%, Kopis or 1H Axe +15%, Lance or Short Spear +10%, Composite Bow or Javelin +10%, Medium Shield +10%

Encompassed species
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