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Sable Rider

Sable people have black hair and dark eyes. They wear trousers and often a short cloak over the front and back. Wealthy Sable people often wear fancy headdresses decorated with sable horns or feathers. Unusually, their Herd Queens are more important than their Khans. Whenever a decision which affects the clan is made, the Queen has as equal a say as the Khan, even in matters of war. Some Sable people are polygamous, although the women choose the shared husband, rather than the man picking his wives.

Sable people ride giant antelope with curving horns. Because of the crescent shape of these horns, they are sometimes called Lunar Deer.

Each clan has men of a different troop type mixed together. Some are lightly armed skirmishers, while others are prepared for close combat. Sable people travel in bands of 20 to 30 people.

The Sable Tribe is unique among the tribes for their embrace of the Lunar religion due to the ancient ties between them and their distant kin from within the Empire. The Sable Riders allied with the Lunar invaders and enjoyed the privileges of client status within the Lunar Empire. With the defeat of the Lunar Empire in 1624, the Sable Tribe lost their ascendency and many have fled past Vulture’s Country into the Wastes.

Descended from Sable Riders of Prax who served the Second Council of Dragon Pass and were awarded a land grant consisting of the desolate Hungry Plateau. In 1436 they seized control of the entire satrapy of Kostaddi.

The commander of a Sable Lancers regiment is titled Khan.

Elemental Rune: Moon Rune +10%

Cultural Skills: Speak Own Language (Praxian) (50), Speak Other Language (Tradetalk) at +10%, +10% to Survival, Ride (Sable Antelope) +35%, Customs (Sable Tribe) (25), Herd +30%, Peaceful Cut +15%, Spirit Combat +20%.

Cultural Weapons: Sable Rune: Dagger +10%, Kopis or 1H Axe +15%, Lance or Short Spear +10%, Composite Bow or Javelin +10%, Medium Shield +10%

Armies & Enemies of Dragon Pass by Martin Helsdon

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