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Battle Mother Agnes Durin

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Agnes was born to the Clan Durin in a time of Timult.  Long had the giant kingdoms fallen, and the great empire to the south had collapsed only a few decades before.  She grew into the Clan beneath a series of noble leaders only to see Conflicts over the High Seat send the Clans into spiralling War.   It was these wars that shaped the young dwarf.  She joined to a man of the Clan, Durru, an exceptional warrior in his own right and a skald, and the two of them formed a sort of power centre, their mutual combat prowess granting them immense reputation within the clan.    The Birth of her first children did not slow Agnes down, and indeed it was then that she truly started to achieve political power within the clan, as the scholars found her an able and temperate leader, one respected by the Warriors, but not fraught to rash decisions.    Her exaltation to the rank of Battle Mother occurred, as it had to, during another inter-clan War.  Agnes has met with this and other challenges by seeking both to adhere to tradition, but not to be bound by the minor ways of it.  She advocated long for them to extend their Umbrella over lesser clans, and to create more stable relations with the humans surrounding t heir realm.   Ignoring the humans was a foolish thing to do, something that has been rewarded both by the clan gaining access to various human goods, and also powerful allies.    Tragedy has visited her; she had outlived many of her children, and has seen her Husband fall to the Madness of the Giant-Killing Axe.   As she has entered old age, has seen the last of her children grow to adulthood, and started to see grandchildren grow to adulthood and a few great-grandchildren scampering about her commitment to the longevity of the Clan remains absolute.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Agnes has won countless Battles and is considered one of the greatest Warriors and Strategic minds of the Dwarves presently alive.  While she has a good head for tactics, and her skill with blade and axe are undeniable, it is her ability to suss out enemy strategy, to know how to best use limited resources in the best way that has made her the clans leader.

Intellectual Characteristics

Agnes is a ferocious woman of incredible will and stubbornness.  She believes in her moral code and her own judgment beyond anything else and it takes mountains moving to convince her she is wrong.    She has a sharp intellect, hones by years of battle and politics that tends to see everything in terms of battle, give and take, move and countermove.  If she has a weakness it is this, that she might overlook some measure or thing which is not a contest.

Morality & Philosophy

Agnes holds to the old ways of the Dwarves; continuity of the clan is of principal importance and being a 'Good Ancestor' is what she holds above all else. To be good for her is to leave the world for her clan to inherit better than she found it.  Stronger, filled with more security, with more knowledge, more wealth.    She believes in Honour, and that holding to ones word is at the core of being a warrior.  If one cannot trust those who stand in the shield-wall with you, one courts death or worse.  To be forsworn is a fate worse than death and thus she makes promises and oaths with the utmost seriousness, even to those she might not hold as honourable.  This does not mean she eschews deceit in war or battle, only that such methods much be directed towards an enemy and not involve the direct compromise of honour.   Likewise this means she views traditional roles and hierarchy as a thing that has to continue.  Jeopardizing them jeopardizing everything.  Those who do not follow their roles are endangering not just themselves but the entire order of the world.
Current Location
Year of Birth
22 AF 218 Years old
Dark Grey
Once a Vibrant Red, now long fadded to Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A cracked, faded dull brown
Aligned Organization


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