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The Dvargrfell Mountains Stretch up and down the Western coast of the Northern Peninsula of the Veld, far enough to enter the perpetually icy lands of the far north. The Mountains themselves are an imposing natural barrier, striking up hard from the sea where there are dozens of inlets and fjords, the mountains a break against the Great Sea’s natural storms.   This has made the area inhospitable in the extreme and while there are dozens of small villages along the coast, mostly dwarven with a few humans, fishing and trading, it is beneath the mountains and within their ranges that the true power of the dwarves is found.   The Dwarves have several trading towns, usually built either adjacent to a natural harbour, or sometimes within a cliff-side or mountain, a natural cave built up with a locke system to permit small vessels to travel into the interior. These are usually linked to larger Dwarven settlements and are heavily guarded, as they are the place most outsiders will see. The Grand Hallways which connect dwarven settlements, the ‘Roads’ of the Undermountain, are made to permit ambush points and fall back positions along their entire length and they form natural battlegrounds for where the Dwarven clans fight.   The Clans occupy large Dwarven cities as well as smaller, independent citadels. These are often built around mines, large central drop shafts with expansive side passages, or huge open pits that burst out into the sky.


The Natural Fjords and inlets of the western coast are varied and contain the only arable land in the area.  From them almost immediately, rising like jagged walls of stone, the mountains thrust upwards, competing with one another as they tear into the sky.  Passages and pathways are few and far between and known only to those who spend much time on the surface of the mountains.   Beneath the mountains, hollow natural caves are interlinked by ancient tunnels built by dwarves over centuries.  Huge arcades and mines house the Dwarven clans, while stranger things slink up from below.

Natural Resources

The Dvarghall are renowend for their seeming endless supply of gems and metals.  Mundane deposits o Iron, Lead, Tin and Copper are sometimes overshadowed by rich veins of Gold, Silver, and more precious Gems and minerals.
Alternative Name(s)
The Dwarven Mountains, The Halls of the Kings, Ymirs Teeth
Mountain Range
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
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