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The Realm of the Gods. Asgard Is a Finite realm, defined by a strange impenetrable wall of Ice. Within its confines, the Gods have their various realms, each reflective of and responsive to its respective lords' whims. Most of the gods thus have a magnificent Hall, festooned with evidence of their glory. Odin’s hall, in particular, is a structure of impossible beauty, formed of gold and Yew-wood and guarded by the Valkyrie, the female warriors who serve Odin and both judge and serve the worthy warriors who join him. Loki’s realm, in contrast, is a twisting forested mountain inhabited by strange creatures and a hall built of shadows that is never in the same place twice. The main physical aspects of Asgard that are different is both spiritual and physical. Mortals slain in Asgard do not die, but their souls may be judged and either banished back to the earth or judged worthy and join the hosts of the gods. Magic that heals is always incredibly potent, doing the maximum amount of healing it can. Anyone killed here will wake up the following day with full hit points. Asgard is the origin point for Adamantite, also called “Gods-Metal”.
Dimensional plane
Included Locations
Included Organizations


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