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Aesir and Vanir

The Gods of the North; the True Gods, the Gods of the Veld. All these are names given to the Aesir and the Vanir, the two groups of Gods most commonly worshipped among the Veldfolk.   The two groups of gods were not always united. In times long past they warred with one another. The reasons for this war are not known to mortals, but the outcome was peace eventually reached; prisoners exchanged and a union of sorts that has continued to this day. With the Aesir, led by Odin , over the Vanir, led by Njord .   The Religious Worship of the Gods is both personal and communal. Jarls often act as priests, but there are the dedicated chosen of individual gods who watch over their holy places, engage in their secret rites, and fulfil the gods will on Midgard .

Mythology & Lore

The Tale-tellers say the world was formed from Fire and Ice, the collision of realms that birthed the World-tree. In that birth was also the origin of God and Dragon, Man and Jotun.

Cosmological Views

There are the Nine-Realms; Asgard , Midgard , Jotunheim , Niflheim , Alfheim , and others, all connected by the World Tree.   This ancient Ash has branches and roots that reach to every realm, and those who know the ways may traverse from one to the next.   Asgard, the Realm of the Gods, is connected to Midgard, the Realm of Man, by the Bifrost.   There are stranger realms than this, and the Wizards of the Southern Lands, or Mystics may speak of others, but to the Gods, these are the most important.

Tenets of Faith

The Religion of the Aesir and Vanir is connected deeply to daily life. Individual gods have their own ethos and proclamations, and the follower of Thor and the follower of Loki have little in common.   What may be said to be true in general is a reference for survival, especially in the face of adversity, and a simultaneous belief in Destiny, one's Wyrd, and Duty of one to live the best life within the confines of that Wyrd. Bravery, Truthfulness and Honour are high Virtues.   Glory and Honour are two parts of the same coin; Glory is what is earned through Great Deads, usually in Battle, but also in matters of state-craft or wisdom. Honour is loosely 'acting correctly in relation to others'. Keeping one's word, even in the face of hardship. Confronting an Enemy in Battle to his face rather than engaging in poison or magic and deception. These are acts of honour. Though it must be noted that this is different than the Southern concept; which is similar. In war, an act of cunning that deceives an enemy and grants advantage is not dishonourable.


Regular Sacrifice to the Gods, as well as participation in Festivals, is the mian way the religion is observed.   Most people will have one or more Patron God. Those with the means might have a small Idol within their dwelling; a Jarl almost definately will. Sacrifices, in terms of food and drink, are frequent. Sacrifices of things like gold, jewelery, weapons, animals, etc. are common on large festivals and for important occasions. While it is not common, even the sacrifice of captured enemies or volunteering Warriors has occured to placate the Gods. Some say spilled blood is the only true sacrifice to the gods.   Festivals occur throughout the year and vary from place to place and season to season. Fertility rituals in the spring tend to honour Freyr and his sister Freyja . The festivals of Midwinter tend to honour Loki and Hel. But the specifics of these festivals is often related to the place they are performed.


There is no strict priesthood. There are those who hold the rites and rituals of the religion, which are often rulers, though they are passed down from parents to children.   There are also those chosen of the Gods. Be they the deformed blind priests who guard the High Hall of Odin, to individuals vested with a small portion of the Divine Power of a particular God. While these people are often 'priests' in an absolute sense, they might not have any special knowledge regarding the communal rituals. Indeed they may have their own secret mysteries.
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