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Fire Giant

The Fire Giants are one of the extant kinds of Giants still living on Midgard in the aftermath of the collapse of the ancient Giant Kingdoms  Standing on average Eighteen Feet Tall, and weighing close to a Tonne, these mammoth creatures have the body proportions of Dwarves; Broad and Squat, with legs shorter than their arms and barrel-like bodies.  The flesh of these giants has a reddish or orange tint to it, like their namesakes, and their physical bodies are quite obviously warmer than other creatures, to a degree that can, with prolonged contact, actually be painful.    Hair is of variable colour; some is deep crimson like their flesh, though Dark Black and Grey is far more common.  Some actually sport hair that seems to be living flame, though this may be some magical effect conjured by long forgotten techniques.  Men typically wear thick, well-kept bears and solitary braids.  Women tend to braids that become more elaborate the more status they have within their hold.   Fire Giants are most common on The Fire Islands , where a number of families and holds reside.  Family is deeply important to the Fire Giants, and they have long memories for their own lineages as well as the lineages of their enemies.   With a low population, they are a deeply Martial Society.   No Fire-Giant does not know how to fight, and learning how to serve in battle is essential to their education.  As is the keeping of pets and slaves.  The former often consist of creatures capable of surviving the great heat that is their preferred environments; Hell Hounds and Red Dragons are preferred, though the later are dangerous, even when raised from an egg.  Slaves consist of countless other groups; though humans and dwarves are the most common.  These they utilize to farm, tend herds of animals, or to craft items they find beneath themselves.   Craftsmanship of weapons and armour is a high-art among the Fire Giants, and besides magical persuits and war, the only thing they consider worthy of their time and effort.  While they consider themselves above almost all other peoples, they will respect a skilled armourer or weaponsmith of any race, especially if they have made an item for the Fire Giants.   The Fire Giants hold a particular hatred for the Aesir and Vanir , and those who worship them.  They will target known servants or vessels of the gods for death or enslavement above others and blame them for the fall of the ancient Giant Kingdoms.  They hold great faith that Sartur, the great Jotun Embodiment of Fire, will one day bring destruction down on Asgard , and that when this happens they will once again retake the land.
Geographic Distribution


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