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The Dishonoured

Fogrim lived a died a Dwarf of Ill-repute.   As a young man, Fogrim found the stifling rigidity of his clan's life intolerable.  As soon as he was able he journeyed to the surface world with merchant caravans.  At first he served as guard, then as a mercenary.  He became battle hardened and learned much of tactics and treachery in the human world.     Returning to the Dvargrfell , he soon started to rise within his clan.  Able to provide information, goods, and disposable human and low-clan warriors, Fogrim became a 'dirty secret', a crude tool to be wielded by the clan against it's enemies, or towards ends the more honourable members of the clan would not stain their names or hands with.   This proved a mistake however; Fogrim gained power, he gained wealth, he gained a foot-hold over many within the clan as he learned secrets that would dishonour them.  Those who opposed him found themselves dead in the night, poisoned and stabbed, or murdered by strange creatures.  Folgrim was a force of power within his Clan, and by the time some decided he was a cost not worth paying, it was too late.   War with other clans stiffled dissent to the Dastardly dwarves reported crimes.   It was these early campaigns that would lead to the man's downfall.   He conducted a number of raids on smaller clans.  Ceasing their warriors to conscript them into battles, killing those who resisted, leaving a shattered remnant of women, children and those not deemed worth the cost of press-ganging.  One such raid resulted in the death of Torrad's  first husband, with Torrad, as she tried to defend her clan, left for dead at a cross-road.  The Cruel Forgrim having found the woman's resilience and rage amusing.  It was a fatal mistake.   Years later, as Folgrim rallied dark secrets with the Deep Roads far beneath the Dwarven Mountains, he was confronted by the allies of a RIval clan, including Torrad and the Firestarters.  None of his tricks; be they unholy monsters, poisons, or sacrificing his own men, could stave off the Dwarven Woman's justice.  And his body was destroyed, his skull smashed, not even his name to be spoken again.
Neutral Evil
Current Status
145 AF 237 AF 92 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed in conflict with the Firestarters
Place of Death
The Deep Roads
Dark Hazel
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruddy Tan


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